I have a JSON with a field containing another object, but this object varies depending on type. For example, you may have these 3 logs under the same sourcetype/index:
{ "Log":"something","user": "me" ,"type":"car", "data": {"case1":"something"} }
{ "Log":"something","user": "me" ,"type":"apple", "data": {"fruity":"yummy"} }
{ "Log":"something","user": "me","type":"Cauliflower", "data":{"veggie":"eww", "fact":"good for you"} }
and I want a table query to look something like this:
user | data
me | {"case1":"something"}
me | {"fruity":"yummy"}
me | {"veggie":"eww", "fact":"good for you"}
I tried the following query:
index=mylog | table user,data
but my results usually look like this (with either nulls or straight up empty):
user | data
me | null
me |
me | null
data itself may sometimes be very long, but I would still like to see its entire output in the table. How can I go about this?
| spath path=user
| spath path=data
| table user data
Have you tried index=mylog | table user,data.* ?