I have the following query which gives me a grouped list of the java stacktraces with a total count:
tag::eventtype="host5" LogLevel="ERROR" | stats sparkline(count) as sparkline, count by CallstackEntry | sort count desc
How can I add an additional column with a count of the errors during the last hour?
Thank you very much!
You can do this:
tag::eventtype="host5" LogLevel="ERROR" | eval 1h_ago = if(_time >= relative_time(now(), "-h"), 1, 0)
| stats sparkline(count) as sparkline count sum(1h_ago) as count_last_hour by CallstackEntry
| sort count desc
You can do this:
tag::eventtype="host5" LogLevel="ERROR" | eval 1h_ago = if(_time >= relative_time(now(), "-h"), 1, 0)
| stats sparkline(count) as sparkline count sum(1h_ago) as count_last_hour by CallstackEntry
| sort count desc
Thank you very much for this elegant solution Martin!
very nice solution.
Thanks, but I want the number of occurences of this errormessage during the last hour..
If the columns that you want to add are unique for that error/CallstackEntry, then you can add them by adding first(fieldName) into your stats. e.g.
ag::eventtype="host5" LogLevel="ERROR" | stats sparkline(count) as sparkline, count, first(errorMessage) as errorMessage, first(severity) as severity by CallstackEntry | sort count desc
Hi somesoni2
The log file contains java logs with errors (stack traces).
The query gives a list of these errors (grouped together) and the corresponding count of each error over the whole time.
What I want is an additional column with just the count over the last day for each error.
Regards, Domi
What other columns you want to add? Can you provide sample logs along with the expected output?