Hi guys,
Would really appreciate your help looking for a splunk search to do some reporting/alerting for me based on my firewall logs... specifically having issues with correlating a single source field (such as IP address or hostname) to multiple other field counts (such as port or username).
I know there has to be a way to accomplish this but i've tried joins/appendpipe/and others with no luck...
Example of what I'm trying to accomplish:
Top list of source IP addresses hitting deny ACLs to multiple ports and total hits (such as someone scanning our network).
Source_IP - Source_Country - Total_Denies - Total_Port_Attempted - - - - - - - - China - - - - - - - - 1678 - - - - - - - - - 64 - - - - - - - - Ukraine - - - - - - -1204 - - - - - - - - - 76 - - - - - - - - Netherlands - - - - 804 - - - - - - - - - - 4
Here is what I got so far:
sourcetype="juniper" reason="policy deny" src_zone="UNTRUST" | lookup geoip clientip as src_ip | stats dc(dest_port) as Total_Port_Attempted by src_ip,client_country
Problem here is that I lose the total count 😞 ...I've tried to get creative with the stats command but keep getting repeated group-by field error messages. Would be nice to even throw in a Total_DestIP_Attempted...
Any help is much appreciated!
P.S. Here is an example log entry:
*Apr 2 12:29:02 labsrx2 1 [src-ip="" src-port="57900" dest-ip="" dest-port="44256" type="TCP" policy="GLOBAL_DENY_LOG(global)" src-zone="UNTRUST" dest-zone="UNTRUST" reason="policy deny"]
How about this
sourcetype="juniper" reason="policy deny" src_zone="UNTRUST" | lookup geoip clientip as src_ip | stats dc(dest_port) as Total_Port_Attempted count as Tota_Denies dc(des_ip) as Total_DestIP_Attempted by src_ip,client_country
sourcetype="juniper" reason="policy deny" src_zone="UNTRUST" | lookup geoip clientip as src_ip | stats count as Total_Attempts by dest_port, src_ip, client_country
How about this
sourcetype="juniper" reason="policy deny" src_zone="UNTRUST" | lookup geoip clientip as src_ip | stats dc(dest_port) as Total_Port_Attempted count as Tota_Denies dc(des_ip) as Total_DestIP_Attempted by src_ip,client_country