I have been asked to identify a list of all websites that a group of users has visited, but the spin on it is that each user must have visited the same website.
For example; user a, b, and c visits google.com, but user d does not, then google would not be in the results. If user a, b, c and d visits abc.com, then abc would be in the results.
Try this.
Assuming you have search which returns list of USER and WEBSITE used by user.
your base search returning USER and WEBSITE | table USER, WEBSITE | eventstats dc(USER) as TotalUsers | stats count by WEBSITE, TotalUsers | where count=TotalUsers
Try this.
Assuming you have search which returns list of USER and WEBSITE used by user.
your base search returning USER and WEBSITE | table USER, WEBSITE | eventstats dc(USER) as TotalUsers | stats count by WEBSITE, TotalUsers | where count=TotalUsers
Worked perfect - thanks