I want to add some totals for a search. The search is below, and it works fine. How would I then add:
totals for all hosts
subtotal by index and sourcetype
index=ngcc* |fields host, index, sourcetype |dedup host, index, sourcetype |table host, index, sourcetype |sort host
Give this a try
index=ngcc* |fields host, index, sourcetype |dedup host, index, sourcetype |table host, index, sourcetype |sort host | eventstats count as GrandTotal | eventstats count as SubTotal by index, sourcetype
OR simply
index=ngcc* |stats count by host, index, sourcetype | fields - count | stats count as SubTotal by index, sourcetype | eventstats sum(SubTotal) as AllHostTotal
I am not sure what you need to but try this query. It might help you to get what you need:
index=ngcc*|fields host, index, sourcetype |dedup host, index, sourcetype |table host, index, sourcetype |sort host|streamstats count
Are you looking to count values by some fields? Take a look at the stats
command: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.1.1/SearchReference/stats
I'm not quite sure what your desired result looks like, maybe post an example.