So I have a goal to count user visits, but the log polls too frequently, so we are going to define a visit by one user per day. In this instance the data is not yet in splunk, but on an excel spreadsheet. I'm not very good with excel, so I want to add to splunk and use the bin feature.
I have userid and date. I can use either the time field or the date field and I can reformat the date field, but currently the datefield is mm/d/yyyy. I can reformt if makes it easier.
Once I have my lookup, how do I use the equivalent bin _time span=1d where the time is now a date field?
The strptime function is pretty easy to work with (but I also think regex is easy 😀).
| inputlookup file.csv
| eval datetime=strptime(foo, "%m/%d/%Y")
| bin span=1d datetime
| stats count by datetime
```Make the datetime field human-readable```
| fieldformat datetime=strftime(datetime, "%m/%d/%Y")
See the Search Reference manual for detail about strptime, strftime, and their format strings.
The bin command takes a field of your choosing. Replace _time with the name of your datetime field. For best results, convert the field into epoch form using strptime before using bin.
Thanks Rich! I've only used strptime once, I'm now trying to learn how to strip time M/D/Y
|inputlookup file.csv
|stats count
The strptime function is pretty easy to work with (but I also think regex is easy 😀).
| inputlookup file.csv
| eval datetime=strptime(foo, "%m/%d/%Y")
| bin span=1d datetime
| stats count by datetime
```Make the datetime field human-readable```
| fieldformat datetime=strftime(datetime, "%m/%d/%Y")
See the Search Reference manual for detail about strptime, strftime, and their format strings.