Good afternoon
Currently you try to index data to an index summary, but these events do not contain a timestamp so the indexing remains with the date the query was run.
This for splunk is a problem because there is no timestamp the data is indexed with the same timestamp and the query is truncated when you try to find it.
is there any method that allows you to add to a certain number of events plus seconds or minutes?
Best regards
Set _time = now() and add seconds every 50000 events:
<your_search> | eval _time=now(), count=1 | streamstats sum(count) as count | eval _time= _time + floor(count/50000)
If you want to add seconds to _time of each event then use this:
<your_search> | eval _time=now(), seconds=0.001 | streamstats sum(seconds) as seconds | eval _time=_time + seconds
Set _time = now() and add seconds every 50000 events:
<your_search> | eval _time=now(), count=1 | streamstats sum(count) as count | eval _time= _time + floor(count/50000)
If you want to add seconds to _time of each event then use this:
<your_search> | eval _time=now(), seconds=0.001 | streamstats sum(seconds) as seconds | eval _time=_time + seconds
it worked, thank you for your response.
Best regards