Here's a sample of my XML data. I want to get the username. I tried a field alias, but that's not working, nor is field extraction. When I open the field extractor tool, the data is truncated after the caller_profile tag. When I look at the event, it's all there. It's only when I try to use the field extractor that it gets truncated.
KV_MODE = xml
date sample:
@mwcooley, so by KV_MODE=xml
not working do you mean Search Time Field discovery in smart/verbose mode is not working? The following table command does not work
| table *username
Have you also tried
| spath
| table *username
In case XML parsing is not working and you are able to see data with <username>1235551010</username>
, then try the following rex
command and see how it behaves:
| rex "<username>(?<username>[^\<]+)</username>"
| table username
so your events are already broken correctly and you're just working on field extractions? If so, then the kv_mode setting should be on your search head. Is it there?
ah, OK. I don't have access to the search head, only the forwarder. i thought I could put it in props.conf there and make it work.
@mwcooley, so by KV_MODE=xml
not working do you mean Search Time Field discovery in smart/verbose mode is not working? The following table command does not work
| table *username
Have you also tried
| spath
| table *username
In case XML parsing is not working and you are able to see data with <username>1235551010</username>
, then try the following rex
command and see how it behaves:
| rex "<username>(?<username>[^\<]+)</username>"
| table username
@niketnilay, that's closer. | spath | table *username works. I get the usernames even when there are multiples. The rex command only returns the first .
If I use spath, how do I get the username into eventstats?
in case xml using above solution
getting only single result
@mintucs, you might have to post a separate question with your sample xml data and extraction that you are using. If applicable your props.conf and transforms.conf as well. You would also need to mask any sensitive information while posting your question.
@mwcooley, your sample data had only one username in the event. By the rex command only returning first match, do you mean that single event may have multiple usernames? Can you add such sample?
In any case, you can use max_match=0
in the rex command to return multiple matches within single event. username field will be treated as multivalued.
| rex "<username>(?<username>[^<]+)<\/username>" max_match=0
| table username
What do you mean by eventstats? What is your intended output and which fields do you want to use and what is the desired output? In other words give the desired field names and expected values in tabular format.
I want to count the users, so i was trying to feed the usernames to eventstats. the final search is in a comment below.
thanks @niketn, using max_match=0 worked. here's the final search (turned out i needed callerID, not username):
index="myIndex" sourcetype="conf_cdr_xml" |
eval Conf_Start=strftime(start_time,"%H:%M:%S %m/%d/%y") |
eval Conf_End=strftime(end_time,"%H:%M:%S %m/%d/%y") |
eval Duration = tostring((end_time - start_time), "Duration") |
rex "(?[^<]+)<\/caller_id_name>" max_match=0 |
eventstats count(caller_id_name) as Attendees by Conf_Start |
table confName Conf_Start Conf_End Duration Attendees
An, here's the xml with multiple usernames/callerIDs:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<start_time type="UNIX-epoch">1510329526</start_time>
<end_time endconference_forced="false" type="UNIX-epoch">1510329534</end_time>
<member type="caller">
<join_time type="UNIX-epoch">1510329526</join_time>
<leave_time type="UNIX-epoch">1510329534</leave_time>
<caller_id_name>Joe Boss</caller_id_name>
<member type="caller">
<join_time type="UNIX-epoch">1510329526</join_time>
<leave_time type="UNIX-epoch">1510329534</leave_time>
Glad it worked. Do compare stats
and eventstats
and see which one you actually need.
Try this in the props.conf
KV_MODE = xml
pulldown_type = true
Hey. Didn't work. I forward to heavy forwarders which forward to indexes. I'm worried something in the heavy forwarder is messing me up. KV_MODE isn't working either. But then, i'm a complete noob.
dang it. the preview showed my xml as text. one more try:
<start_time type="UNIX-epoch">1510329526</start_time>
<end_time endconference_forced="false" type="UNIX-epoch">1510329534</end_time>
<member type="caller">
<join_time type="UNIX-epoch">1510329526</join_time>
<leave_time type="UNIX-epoch">1510329534</leave_time>
<caller_id_name>Joe Boss</caller_id_name>