I ran a search which should show more than 10000 rows, but I get only 10000 rows back on the result.
Is this a limitation?
Are you using sort command? It defaults results to 10K, but you can unlimit it by using sort 0.
and how do I export more than 10.000 rows if I want them sorted by timestamp? That is a necessary sort because Splunk default behaviour is to sort rows in wrong order.
You should use "sort 0" instead of sort. See more https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/SearchReference/Sort
r. Ismo
thanks! That solves the issue. And "sort 0 _time" doesn't have the flaw that reverse has.
Use reverse instead
| reverse
reverse is bugged. Big blocks of log lines are several hours shifted away from where they should be. I recommend to never use it.
You are likely running a join or something similar. All the limits are configured under limits.conf. Be very careful about changing them though because they can have a big impact on performance!
There are ways of doing joins without the "join" command. I suggest you post the search you are trying to perform so that someone can help you build out the more efficient search without the join.
Hope this helps
Can you please solve the query .
Issue with limits.conf
(host=wscreenapi3* OR host=tracking-api-release) name="RegisteredUserLog" earliest=-60d@d latest=-30d@d id!=3000000010 | fields event_id platform | fields - _raw | stats count by event_id platform | dedup event_id | rename event_id as easy_id | table easy_id platform | join type=left easy_id [search (host=wscreenapi3* OR host=tracking-api-release) name="RegisteredUserLog" earliest=-30d@d latest=@d id!=3000000010 | fields event_id | fields - _raw | stats count by event_id | rename event_id as easy_id | table easy_id | eval retentionFlg=1] | eval
platform_str=if(platform="0","Android",if(platform="1","iPhone",if(platform="2","Web (Android)",if(platform="3","Web (iPhone)","Unknown"))))| stats count(easy_id) as basedUserCount sum(retentionFlg) as retentionUserCount by platform_str | addcoltotals labelfield=platform_str | eval customerChurnRate=(basedUserCount - retentionUserCount) / basedUserCount * 100 |eval baseUserListDateFrom = strftime(relative_time(now(),"-60d@d"), "%Y/%m/%d")." 00:00:00" |eval baseUserListDateTo = strftime(relative_time(now(),"-31d@d"), "%Y/%m/%d")." 23:59:59" |eval compareUserListDateFrom = strftime(relative_time(now(),"-30d@d"), "%Y/%m/%d") ." 00:00:00" |eval compareUserListDateTo = strftime(relative_time(now(),"-1d@d"), "%Y/%m/%d") ." 23:59:59" | table baseUserListDateFrom baseUserListDateTo compareUserListDateFrom compareUserListDateTo platform_str basedUserCount retentionUserCount customerChurnRate
thanks for your reply, it was the usage of sort which was causing it..
Are you using sort command? It defaults results to 10K, but you can unlimit it by using sort 0.
Thanks, it was the sort usage.. its fixed now..
Hi, how did you fixed the issue?