Hi All,
When I execute the search below, it works fine:
index="X" sourcetype="xx" "applicationCode: 123" "providerCode: AAA" NOT("responseCode: 00" OR "responseCode: SM--")
But when integrated with Case condition it fails with error: Error in 'eval' command: The expression is malformed. Expected ).
index="X" sourcetype="xx" "applicationCode: 123" responseCode=* | eval response_cd=case("applicationCode: 123" "providerCode: AAA" NOT("responseCode: 00" OR "responseCode: SM--" ,"AAA") | timechart count by response_cd usenull=f useother=f
Can some help me please!!!
Could you please try to specify AND in the statement in CASE?
| eval response_cd=case(_raw="*applicationCode: 123*" AND _raw="*providerCode: AAA*" AND _raw!="*responseCode: 00*" AND _raw!="*responseCode: SM--*" ,"AAA", 1==1, "BBB")
Try starting out with this:
... | eval response_cd=case(_raw="*applicationCode: 123*", "AAA",
_raw="*applicationCode: XXX"*, "BBB"
true(), "UNK")
| stats count by response_cd
The Search doesn't work even if it contains the data applicationCode: 123 it never displays
but if I removed case and tried search _raw="applicationCode: 123" I get the data. It's weird.
Could you please try to specify AND in the statement in CASE?
| eval response_cd=case(_raw="*applicationCode: 123*" AND _raw="*providerCode: AAA*" AND _raw!="*responseCode: 00*" AND _raw!="*responseCode: SM--*" ,"AAA", 1==1, "BBB")
HUhu it worked with few changes
case(match(_raw,"applicationCode: 123"),"AAA",1=1,"UNK")
I tried the below it didn't worked
| eval response_cd=case(_raw="*applicationCode: 123*" ,"AAA", 1==1, "BBB")
I removed from case and tried it is getting data
_raw="*applicationCode: 123*"
is it that _raw doesn't work for case?
_raw contains the whole string, need to have *(any character) in the beginning and the end
Yes I tried with start at the beginning and end. It didn't worked
_raw="*applicationCode: 123*"
I'm confused as to what you're trying to accomplish. What would you expect to end up in the repsonse_cd field after the eval?
To back up a moment, the case statement is used to test multiple conditions and return the value corresponding to the first matching condition. So
eval field = case (condition1,value1, condition2, value2, ..., conditionN, valueN)
For example, if you had a field for operating system called os_ver that contained windows version numbers you might use this to get a corresponding name:
eval os_name = case(os_ver="5.1","xp",os_ver="5.2","2003",os_ver="6.0","Vista",1=1,"unknown")
So what condition are you actually testing and what do you want the result to be?
I have multiple conditions and value to start with. For testing purpose I have added only one condition
eval response_cd=case(_raw="applicationCode: 123","AAA",_raw="applicationCode: XXX", "BBB") | search response_cd=AAA
Things are working fine if I put directly _raw="applicationCode: 123" in search but when I am trying with if or case condition the data never pops up even if exists.
I see in my records something like | eval cat=case(host == "aaaa", "customer", host == "bbbb", "customer")
Can you please give this syntax a try?
That is not delimited with colon so splunk takes enter string as applicationCode: 123.
I tried that earlier no luck.
Oh sorry, let me please check more ; -)