I'm trying to apply the week over week design template from http://blogs.splunk.com/2012/02/19/compare-two-time-ranges-in-one-report/
but my counts are being truncated for the last week. (truncated meaning 0 records found for an hour when there should be values).
This fails to find records from "last week"
host=a earliest=-7d@d latest=now
| eval marker="This week"
| append [ search host=a earliest=-14d@d latest=-7d@d
| eval marker="Last week"
| eval _time=_time+60*60*24*7]
| timechart span=1h count(_raw) by marker
Splunk Version =6.2.0 Splunk Build =237341
There's a much better way to do this.
host=a earliest=-14d@d latest=now
| eval marker=if(relative_time(now(),"-7d@d")<_time,"This week", "Last week")
| eval _time=if(relative_time(now(),"-7d@d")<_time,_time, _time+60*60*24*7)
| timechart span=1h count by marker
And I should mention that there's also an app called "timewrap" that provides a custom search command that pretty much does this work for you. https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/1645/
And for what it's worth, and without taking away from timewrap, I think knowing how to use conditional eval statements like in my answer above, will get you further in the long run.
There's a much better way to do this.
host=a earliest=-14d@d latest=now
| eval marker=if(relative_time(now(),"-7d@d")<_time,"This week", "Last week")
| eval _time=if(relative_time(now(),"-7d@d")<_time,_time, _time+60*60*24*7)
| timechart span=1h count by marker
And I should mention that there's also an app called "timewrap" that provides a custom search command that pretty much does this work for you. https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/1645/
And for what it's worth, and without taking away from timewrap, I think knowing how to use conditional eval statements like in my answer above, will get you further in the long run.
I don't understand why one works and the other does not. This structure is logically equivalent to the original. Something weird in the appended stream when _time is modified?
The append command is intended as a last resort. In your question you were appending two raw-event searches, which is particularly egregious. In that case, Splunk is unable to push any of the computation out to the indexers, so all raw data has to come back to the search head. Furthermore the append version has to dispatch and run two searches instead of one. Also the append command has fundamental limits on memory usage where the stats version does not. In practical terms this means that your results are quite often truncated at 50,000 rows which might even happen without your being aware. Or if the inner search on an append takes too long, it'll be quietly autofinalized and your results will be a bit wrong. Or if you go down the road of trying to raise memory limits in limits.conf to "get around" this, you'll get in even deeper trouble and actually run out of memory! In short stats is the splunk way and join/append should be considered last resorts.
Syntax in if statement should have a ) not a ]. also changed the eariest date to be -14d@d.
Right on. Sorry about that and I just fixed it in the answer proper.
Try this:
host=a earliest=-14d@d latest=now
| date_marker=relative_time(now(), "@w")
| eval marker=if((_time<date_marker), "Last week" , "This week")
| eval _time = _time + if((marker="Last week"), 60*60*24*7, 0)
| timechart span=1h count(_raw) by marker
Or, better yet, use the timewrap
Changed latest to Now() and added an eval before date marker. result was just "last week" numbers looked good, but now this week was getting 0 record counts.
It is probably because I got cute and used @w
which aligns the weeks fixedly instead of -7d@d
Other than that, mine is the same as @sideview.