Hello guys,
i have a csv file with rows
Resource Contract Category Sub Activity Team Activity Description 5-January-2017 12-January-2017 19-January-2017 26-January-2017
where the fields with January are basically week wise expansion of hours of a resource. I wanted the sum of hours in the whole month of January based on each contract category for every resource. Also there are multiple entries for same value of resource and contract category like
Resource Contract Category Team 5-January-2017 12-January-2017
A MT Ab 0 1
A MT Ab 1 0
source = "Mysource.csv" host = "M2B-D-80NCVQ1" sourcetype = csv Resource="*" "Contract Category"="*" | chart sum(*Jan*) as *Jan* ,sum(*Feb*) as *Feb* over "Contract Category"| addtotals *Jan* fieldname="January" | addtotals *Feb* fieldname="February"| table "Contract Category",January, February | addtotals
gives the total hours by perfectly
source = "Mysource.csv" host = "M2B-D-80NCVQ1" sourcetype = csv Resource="*" "Contract Category"="*" | chart sum(*Jan*) as *Jan* ,sum(*Feb*) as *Feb* over "Contract Category" by Resource | addtotals *Jan* fieldname="January" | addtotals *Feb* fieldname="February"| table "Contract Category",January, February | addtotals
doesn't give a statistics or visualization. Theres no error for the search either
How can i get
Contract Category January February Total hours for every resource in the sheet?
source = "Copy of ETT-newc3.csv" host = "M2B-D-80NCVQ1" sourcetype = csv Resource = "" "Contract Category" = "" | stats list( January_) as January_,list(February_) as February_ by Resource Team "Contract Category"
gives the right classification. just that instead of list when i sum it. it doesn work can anyone help/
Try like this
source = "Mysource.csv" host = "M2B-D-80NCVQ1" sourcetype = csv Resource="*" "Contract Category"="*" | stats sum(*Jan*) as *Jan* ,sum(*Feb*) as *Feb* by "Contract Category" Resource | addtotals *Jan* fieldname="January" | addtotals *Feb* fieldname="February"| table "Contract Category",January, February | addtotals
In the chart you specify only one aggregation fields, whether using over
or by
clause, you get a linear output with one row for each value of the aggregation field. E.g. in your first example you'll get a row for each "Contract Category". When you specify two aggregation fields in chart command, either using over field1 by field2
or by field1 field2
, there will one row for each value of field1 and there will one or more column for each value of field2. So, in your second attempt, There would be one column for each combination of value of Resource and aggregate function. See Splunk documentation for more details.
This didnt work though,. the clarity on charting is appreciated. But i think it is basically related to the way we are proceeding. Since my table has multiple entries with same name team and contract category, the problem is in directly summing it by resource or contract category and trying anotherr level of grouping. For eg.
source="Mysource.csv" host="M2B-D-80NCVQ1" sourcetype="csv" Resource="*" NOT Resource="Grand Total"|chart list(Team),list("Contract Category") as "Contract Category", list(*Jan*) as *Jan* ,list(*Feb*) as *Feb* by Resource
Gives me the exact table entries as it is in the sheet for the resource. Now i can proceed to sum it by Contract Category and then by team. The problem i am still facing is it doesnt iterate for every resource like
source="Copy of ETT-newc2.csv" host="M2B-D-80NCVQ1" sourcetype="csv" Resource="*" NOT Resource="Grand Total"|chart list(Team),list("Contract Category") as "Contract Category", list(*January*) as *January* ,list(*February*) as *February* by Resource| chart sum(*January*) as *January* ,sum(*February*) as *February* by "Contract Category",Resource
doesnt work and
source="Copy of ETT-newc2.csv" host="M2B-D-80NCVQ1" sourcetype="csv" Resource="*" NOT Resource="Grand Total"|chart list(Team),list("Contract Category") as "Contract Category", list(*January*) as *January* ,list(*February*) as *February* by Resource| chart sum(*January*) as *January* ,sum(*February*) as *February* by "Contract Category"
again gives total hours not by resource
i think the answer is in subearches but i want to figure out a way to pass values in subsearches like
for each resource and for each team of resource add up the weekly hours first then sum it by months