I have four versions of a nearly identical search. The last one returns a completely different result. What is it about the interaction of the "sort" and "head" commands that changes the outcome?
...| stats sum(eval(sc_bytes/1073741824)) AS Gigabytes by cs_uri_stem | sort -sc_bytes
...| stats sum(eval(sc_bytes/1073741824)) AS Gigabytes by cs_uri_stem | sort -Gigabytes
...| stats sum(eval(sc_bytes/1073741824)) AS Gigabytes by cs_uri_stem | sort -Gigabytes | head 100
...| stats sum(eval(sc_bytes/1073741824)) as Gigabytes by cs_uri_stem | sort -sc_bytes | head 100
hi @CarbonCriterium , can you try this once and see it that helps
..| stats sum(sc_bytes) as bytes by cs_uri_stem | eval Gigabytes=bytes/1073741824|sort - Gigabytes | head 100
Hi @CarbonCriterium , in the last query
..| stats sum(eval(sc_bytes/1073741824)) as Gigabytes by cs_uri_stem | sort -sc_bytes | head 100
below sort will do nothing as the field used for sorting does not exist in the result
...| sort -sc_bytes
and below is taking 100 results (after the stats command) from the top
....| head 100
Are you seeing any different behavior?
hi @CarbonCriterium , can you try this once and see it that helps
..| stats sum(sc_bytes) as bytes by cs_uri_stem | eval Gigabytes=bytes/1073741824|sort - Gigabytes | head 100