index="01_firewall" sourcetype="01_firewall"
[search index=webping | rename ping_url as url| dedup url| fields url| search url=""
| join type=left url [SEARCH index="lookup" sourcetype="url_info" earliest=-24h] | fields - _time |rename ip as search]
| fields SourceIP DestinationIP Count Action PacketSize
| search
| eval attacketIP=case(SourceIP=="[search index=webping | rename ping_url as url| dedup url| fields url| search url=""
| join type=left url [SEARCH index="lookup" sourcetype="url_info" earliest=-24h] | fields - _time |rename ip_addr as search]", DestinationIP
, DestinationIP=="[search index=webping | rename ping_url as url| dedup url| fields url| search url=""
| join type=left url [SEARCH index="lookup" sourcetype="url_info" earliest=-24h] | fields - _time |rename ip_addr as search]" , SourceIP)
|search NOT attacketIP="NOT" | geoip attacketIP | table attacketIP Count attacketIP_country_name Action PacketSize
I don't think there is any particular reason why you should not be able to do this. But, you have to really nail it syntactically.
I did some experimenting with searches SIMILAR to yours, but not exactly like it. As Sorkin mentions in if you rename the output field of a subsearch to query
then it gets emitted pretty much plain-jane into the outer search. (As the docs explain at search
is another output field from subsearches that gets formatted specially, and the format
search command can be used to manipulate the whole output mechanism)
My search turned out to look like:
| eval bobby=case(
host==[ search sourcetype=mysourcetype
| head 1
| rename host as query
| fields query
| eval query="\"".query."\"" ],"woo-host-1",
host==[ search sourcetype=mysourcetype
| tail 1
| rename host as query
| fields query
| eval query="\"".query."\"" ],"woo-host-2"
The above search makes a new field called bobby
that is set based on the value of host
compared to the value of host
coming out of two different subsearches.
This gets tricky because the result of each subsearch gets inserted into the main search as verbatim text (because we returned the query
field from the subsearch). Not all values of query
coming out of subsearch can stand alone and make sense. In the simplest example of eval
, to set a field to a specific string value, you must do:
... | eval foo="bar"
It does not work to do:
... | eval foo=bar
So, I had to add in an additional eval
within each subsearch to make sure the string coming out of it was surrounded by quotes -- otherwise it will not work. (Numeric values, however, do seem to work without the additional eval
within the subsearch.)
This query is successively executed in Search bar. But It is not work in dashboard.
eval ip_addr="\"".ip_addr."\"" =>> How can i changed query in xml
i try to change that
eval ip_addr="\"".ip_addr."\""
index="01_firewall" sourcetype="01_firewall"
[search index=webping | rename ping_url as url| dedup url| fields url| search $url$
| join type=left url [SEARCH index="lookup" sourcetype="url_info" earliest=-24h] | fields - _time |rename ip_addr as search]
| fields SourceIP DestinationIP Count Action PacketSize
| eval ip_addr = [search index=webping | rename ping_url as url| dedup url| fields url| search $url$
| join type=left url [SEARCH index="lookup" sourcetype="url_info" earliest=-24h] | fields - _time | fields ip_addr
| ***eval ip_addr="\"".ip_addr."\""*** | rename ip_addr as search]
| search
| eval attackerIP=case(SourceIP==ip_addr , DestinationIP , DestinationIP==ip_addr , SourceIP,1==1,"NOT")
|search NOT attackerIP="NOT" | geoip attackerIP | table attackerIP Count attackerIP_country_name Action PacketSize
You might be better off to move this into a separate question entirely. But, briefly, your view XML might be more friendly to this search if you use CDATA --
I don't think there is any particular reason why you should not be able to do this. But, you have to really nail it syntactically.
I did some experimenting with searches SIMILAR to yours, but not exactly like it. As Sorkin mentions in if you rename the output field of a subsearch to query
then it gets emitted pretty much plain-jane into the outer search. (As the docs explain at search
is another output field from subsearches that gets formatted specially, and the format
search command can be used to manipulate the whole output mechanism)
My search turned out to look like:
| eval bobby=case(
host==[ search sourcetype=mysourcetype
| head 1
| rename host as query
| fields query
| eval query="\"".query."\"" ],"woo-host-1",
host==[ search sourcetype=mysourcetype
| tail 1
| rename host as query
| fields query
| eval query="\"".query."\"" ],"woo-host-2"
The above search makes a new field called bobby
that is set based on the value of host
compared to the value of host
coming out of two different subsearches.
This gets tricky because the result of each subsearch gets inserted into the main search as verbatim text (because we returned the query
field from the subsearch). Not all values of query
coming out of subsearch can stand alone and make sense. In the simplest example of eval
, to set a field to a specific string value, you must do:
... | eval foo="bar"
It does not work to do:
... | eval foo=bar
So, I had to add in an additional eval
within each subsearch to make sure the string coming out of it was surrounded by quotes -- otherwise it will not work. (Numeric values, however, do seem to work without the additional eval
within the subsearch.)
Thank you very much.