In this scenario, each HOST_NAME has many HOME_LOCATIONS. Each HOME_LOCATION has unique info - in this case, the RDBMS_VERSION and the DATABASE_RELEASE.
I am trying to produce a simple statistics table that shows each unique HOME_LOCATION (and accompanying info) for each HOST_NAME.
When I run the below (1st screen shot) the data is aligned as I'd expect it to
| stats values(HOME_LOCATION) values(RDBMS_VERSION) by HOST_NAME
When I run the below (2nd screen shot) and add the third values field in red, the data becomes misaligned for some rows
What am I missing or doing incorrectly?
values() shows the unique values sorted in lexicographical order - if you want to maintain a one-to-one correspondence use list() instead of values() however this does not dedup the values so you may end up with duplicates.
values() shows the unique values sorted in lexicographical order - if you want to maintain a one-to-one correspondence use list() instead of values() however this does not dedup the values so you may end up with duplicates.
Appreciate the quick response! This works. As for dupes, my data is pulled in on a scheduled basis, so I can use the time range to handle dupes. Thank you!