Splunk Search

Why are results from multisearch not combining?


The below search is intended to get status codes from two different sources and put them together in a table. It works except that it keeps codes separate if they come from different searches. In the table at the bottom, I want only one row for 504, with entries for both searches and the sum (=5). 

| multisearch

[search index=ABC status.code>399 | rename status.code as StatusCode
| eval type="search1"]

[search index=DEF data.status>399 | rename data.status as StatusCode
| eval type="search2"]

| chart count over StatusCode by type
| eval sum = search1+search2

StatusCode search1 search2 sum

1 400 17 0 17
2 406 10 0 10
3 500 647 0 647
4 504 0 1 1
5 504 4 0 4
6 530 8 0 8
Labels (1)
0 Karma


Do you have to use multisearch here?  This simple search seems to accomplish what you desired:

index IN (ABC, DEF) status.code>399
| eval StatusCode = COALESCE(status.code, data.status)
| chart count over StatusCode by index
| addtotals


0 Karma


The multisearch command will run more than one search at the same time, but as you've discovered, does nothing special with the results.  That's up to you.

| multisearch

[search index=ABC status.code>399 | rename status.code as StatusCode
| eval type="search1"]

[search index=DEF data.status>399 | rename data.status as StatusCode
| eval type="search2"]

| chart count over StatusCode by type
| eval sum = search1+search2

| stats sum(search1) as search1, sum(search2) as search2, sum(sum) as sum by StatusCode
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.


Then I guess my question would be, how do I get those duplicate rows to combine so I get a single sum for each distinct code? 

0 Karma


Did the code in my answer not do that?

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
0 Karma


No, it produces the same results, with two rows for the 504 code

0 Karma


Hmm...  I can't test with your query since I don't have your data, but my mock-up works.  Do you have a run-anywhere test case?  Here's mine:

| makeresults | eval _raw="StatusCode search1 search2
400        17      0
406        10      0
500        647     0
504        0       1
504        4       0
530        8       0" 
| multikv forceheader=1
| eval sum = search1+search2
| stats sum(search1) as search1, sum(search2) as search2, sum(sum) as sum by StatusCode
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
0 Karma


Yep your test case works for me also. I wondered if it isn't some kind of type mismatch. The second search uses regex while the first is just a normal search. The second search is more like the below. Though both use StatusCode>399 so the search is treating them as numbers.

[search index=DEF  

| rex "message[/]*(?<StatusCode>[^,]*)"

|search StatusCode>399

| eval type="search2"]

0 Karma
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