I have created a shell script (script input) which is attached. It gives me information about status of threads in Linux.
Sample output of the script is as below:
totThreads runThreads slpThreads
433 2 431
Now I want extract fields from these events.
In transforms.conf:
REGEX = \s+([0-9.?]+)\s+([0-9.?]+)\s+([0-9.?]+)
FORMAT = totThreads::"$1" runThreads::"$2" slpThreads::"$3"
In props.conf:
REPORT-0kv_for_threads = fields_for_threads_sh
FIELDALIAS-system_threads_count_for_threads = totThreads as system_threads_count
FIELDALIAS-sleeping_threads_count_for_threads = slpThreads as wait_threads_count
FIELDALIAS-running_threads_count_for_threads = runThreads as running_threads_count
Now when all this is configured, my events are generated with all three values as 0.
totThreads runThreads slpThreads
0 0 0
Please help where I am going wrong?
I am still not able to find the solution. Can anyone please help?
Since it is multiline, try this:
REGEX = (?m)\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)
FORMAT = totThreads::$1 runThreads::$2 slpThreads::$3
It is still not working. I have another configuration for another field in the app.
That is also multiline event. But for that we are getting the data in events.
Details of that field are as below:
Ouput of shell script:
[root@splunkitsi bin]$ ./vmstat.sh
memTotalMB memFreeMB memUsedMB memFreePct memUsedPct pgPageOut swapUsedPct pgSwapOut cSwitches interrupts forks processes threads loadAvg1mi
12863 12122 741 94.2 5.8 338955619 0.9 12696 2302182698 3016592159 15420967 130 407 1.08
Content of Transforms.conf
#memTotalMB memFreeMB memUsedMB memFreePct memUsedPct pgPageOut swapUsedPct pgSwapOut cSwitches interrupts forks processes threads loadAvg1mi
# 8192 4153 4039 50.7 49.3 1585619 5.0 ? ? ? ? 82 566 0.72
REGEX = \s+([0-9.?]+)\s+([0-9.?]+)\s+([0-9.?]+)\s+([0-9.?]+)\s+([0-9.?]+)\s+([0-9.?]+)\s+([0-9.?]+)\s+([0-9.?]+)\s+([0-9.?]+)\s+([0-9.?]+)\s+([0-9.?]+)\s+([0-9.?]+)\s+([0-9.?]+)\s+([0-9.?]+)
FORMAT = memTotalMB::"$1" memFreeMB::"$2" memUsedMB::"$3" memFreePct::"$4" memUsedPct::"$5" pgPageOut::"$6" swapUsedPct::"$7" pgSwapOut::"$8" cSwitches::"$9" interrupts::"$10" forks::"$11" processes::"$12" threads::"$13" loadAvg1mi::"$14"
Contents of Props.conf
REPORT-0kv_for_vmstat = fields_for_vmstat_sh,vmstat_linux,vmstat_osx
FIELDALIAS-dest_for_vmstat = host as dest
EVAL-mem = if(isnotnull(memFreeMB) AND isnotnull(memUsedMB),(memFreeMB*1048576)+(memUsedMB*1048576),null())
EVAL-mem_free = if(isnotnull(memFreeMB),memFreeMB*1048576,null())
EVAL-mem_used = if(isnotnull(memUsedMB),memUsedMB*1048576,null())
FIELDALIAS-src_for_vmstat = host as src
Event output in Search query:
I am stumped.
Try this:
REGEX = \s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)
FORMAT = totThreads::$1 runThreads::$2 slpThreads::$3
Tried changing REGEX and FORMAT as you specified. But still no change. The values are still 0.
I don't understand. The configurations we are talking about have NOTHING to do with the data inside the raw events (they can never "case" anything to become "0"). What does this show?
... | table _raw totThreads runThreads slpThreads
Please check the output as shown in image:
Obviously he is extracting 0's because the raw data only has 0's. Everything is working as expected. The issue is in the raw data. Look into why your box is sending all 0's
Also, I am not seeing multi-line events. That should not be a consideration in this case.