I've created this rather complicated piece of SPL. To make it a bit more understandable I added some comment lines. In the screenshot you can see the SPL syntax highlighting stops working correctly from line #20. The strange thing is that when I remove line 20 all together it works fine, and there are more comment lines further on. Whatever comment I put on that position causes this behaviour.
Line removed, it works fine:
Comment ```test comment``` breaks the thing down again.
It's just a minor cosmetic thing, but I'd like to know what's happening here and why. We're using splunk Enterprise on my site. Any thoughts appreciated!
Hi @Hoekb03 ... I am using Splunk 8.2.5 and its SPL highlighting working fine even after 20 lines. Are you using older versions ah?!?!
It's not that highlighting stops after 20 lines, in my case there are comment lines after line 20, when I remove the line on 20 the rest works fine. Syntax auto fill also stops working in my example I just noted. I tried it at home where I use 9.0 with no problem at all. I'll just wait for a new version @ the office. I'll accept your answer for now.
My query doesn't do the trick btw, still curious about the cause of the highlighting not working.