I encountered the following error while trying to save:
"The time difference / clock skew between this system and the intended peer at uri=https://:8089 was too big. Please bring system clocks into agreement. search_head_time=1537513347.801773 peer_time=1537517825.000000 skew_seconds=-4477.198227 addpeer_skew_limit=600 Skew limit from limits.conf, [search] stanza."
Can someone help please?
Make sure all of your Splunk instances are on servers that run NTP. Splunk can't search properly if the system clocks are more than 10 minutes apart and yours are off by over an hour.
Make sure all of your Splunk instances are on servers that run NTP. Splunk can't search properly if the system clocks are more than 10 minutes apart and yours are off by over an hour.
Thank you Rich. I installed ntp on the vm and that fixed the error
@enmanu If your problem is resolved, please accept the answer to help future readers.