Splunk Search

What search can I use to know if a service had been restart after a certain period of time?


hi all,

i have this logs which i am interested in know if there is a agent restarted after certain period when the agent got stop


index=unix sourcetype=syslog

centrifyEventID=17000    Centrify agent (adclient) started
centrifyEventID=17002    Centrify agent (adclient) stopped   


can help to to construct the query to search to if the agent got started within 10mins after the agent got stop

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Esteemed Legend

I am assuming that you asked this wrong and actually desire to know when there was a stop WITHOUT a start within 10-minutes.  If so:

index="unix" AND sourcetype="syslog" AND centrifyEventID IN("17000", "17002")
| reverse 
| streamstats count(eval(centrifyEventID="17000")) AS sessionID BY host 
| stats min(_time) AS _time range(_time) AS duration values(centrifyEventID) AS values dc(centrifyEventID) AS dc count BY sessionID host 
| rename COMMENT AS "Above is the setup, I *might* not have the logic exactly right below"
| where (dc==1 AND values=="17002" AND (now() - _time) > (10 * 60))
OR (dc==2 AND range > (10 * 60))
0 Karma



thanks for the fast reply,

how to i construct the query to search for unique host which had agent stop and search for restart within 10min

0 Karma


Hi @7ryota,

if you have more hosts, you have only to add host as grouping key in the stats command

index=your_index (centrifyEventID=17000 OR centrifyEventID=17002) earliest=-10m@m latest=now
| stats dc(centrifyEventID) AS centrifyEventID_count values(centrifyEventID) AS centrifyEventID BY host
| where centrifyEventID_count=1 AND centrifyEventID=17002



0 Karma


Hi @7ryota,

the centrifyEventID should be automaticaly extracted by Splunk so you shouldn't need to extract them, if not true, please telle me that I add a regex extraction.

Anyway, you have to run an alert using a search like the following:

index=your_index (centrifyEventID=17000 OR centrifyEventID=17002) earliest=-10m@m latest=now
| stats dc(centrifyEventID) AS centrifyEventID_count values(centrifyEventID) AS centrifyEventID
| where centrifyEventID_count=1 AND centrifyEventID=17002

in this way, if you have results, this means that the service was stopped and there wasn't any start event in the last ten minutes.




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