I'm trying out some searches learned at .conf. This one is supposed to provide lag info for indexing delays. Unfortunately, I can't get it to work. Any help is appreciated.
| metadata type=hosts
| eval seconds_lag=(recentTime -lastTime)
| convert ctime(lastTime) as LastTime
| convert ctime(firstTime) as FirstTime
| convert ctime(recentTime) as IndexTime
| rangemap field=seconds_lag low=0-1800 elevated=1801-3600
| fields host,FirstTime,LastTime,IndexTime,seconds_lag,range
Also, depending on permissions, you may need to add indexes=*
to your first line.
For example, you could go so far as starting with the new line:
| metadata type=hosts ( index=* OR index=_* )
Just a long shot, but did you copy and paste this search from somewhere else? Wondering if maybe the dash is like a long dash or something along those lines. If you typed it out yourself in the search bar, then that shouldn't be a problem.
This the answer, because the Em dash
will cause this error. You can test it with the two following searches:
| metadata type=hosts
| eval seconds_lag=(recentTime -lastTime)
| convert ctime(lastTime) as LastTime
| convert ctime(firstTime) as FirstTime
| convert ctime(recentTime) as IndexTime
| rangemap field=seconds_lag low=0-1800 elevated=1801-3600
| fields host,FirstTime,LastTime,IndexTime,seconds_lag,range
not working:
| metadata type=hosts
| eval seconds_lag=(recentTime -lastTime)
| convert ctime(lastTime) as LastTime
| convert ctime(firstTime) as FirstTime
| convert ctime(recentTime) as IndexTime
| rangemap field=seconds_lag low=0—1800 elevated=1801—3600
| fields host,FirstTime,LastTime,IndexTime,seconds_lag,range
Returns the error Error in 'rangemap' command: Invalid range: '0—1800'. '-' expected.
because of the Em dash
cheers, MuS
Odd - 6.3.0 here.
Try one of the examples from http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.1.9/SearchReference/rangemap to narrow it down, if those work then modify from there.
The rangemap command works fine with my splunk version 6.2.3 . Alternatively you can try with case statement for your requirement.
That query seems to work for me. What results are you getting that appear wrong?
I get:
Error in 'rangemap' command: Invalid range: '0-1800 elevated=1801-3600'. '-' expected.
I am running Splunk 6.1.9