Hello Splunkers,
Can someone help me with a query to detect multiple http errors from single IP , basically when the status code is in 400s/500s.
Thank you,
Basic query is something like this, but will depend on your fields
index=your_source_index status>=400 status<600
| stats count by ip status
You will then get a table of ip+status+count
you can do whatever you want to do with that - what's your goal?
Thanks for your response, the goal is to list the IP's that is causing maximum http errors. Lets say where errors are >100.
Hi @mohsplunking,
if you need the total count of errors, the solution from @bowesmana is perfect.
let us know if we can help you more, or, please, accept one answer for the other people of Community.
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated by all the contributors 😉
Hello gcusello,
Thanks for your inputs, However, like I said the use case is I'm looking for IP that is causing maximum number of http errors(400s,500s) , lets say I'm trying to find a single IP that is causing over 100 http errors . I think in the query we will have to use eval&case functions too.
Please let me know if you need further clarifications on the above.
i @mohsplunking ,
if you ne only an alert, as I said, the solution from @bowesmana is perferct and you don't need any additional command.
the eval/case could be useful if you need to display some additional information e.g. a level of alert quantity.
index=your_source_index status>=400 status<600
| stats count by ip
| where count>100
or you can do
index=your_source_index status>=400 status<600
| top ip
| where count > 100
but I would prefer stats over top