Splunk Search

Using the Summary Index for reporting

Path Finder

I'm trying to make a UserAgent report on from a summary index that I'm populating with a count for each browser/os that hits IIS.

sourcetype="iis*" earliest=-2h@h latest=-1h@h
|rex "(?i)\\(compatible;\\+MSIE(?P<MSIE>[^;]+)"
|rex "(?i)\\+Chrome/(?P<Chrome>[^\\+]+)"
|rex "(?i)\\+.*?Firefox/(?P<Firefox>\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)(?=\\+)"
|rex "(?i)\\+.*?;\\+\\w+\\+(?P<Windows>\\w+\\+\\d+\\.\\d+)(?=;)"
|rex "(?i)OS+\\+X\\+(?P<OSX>[^;]+)"
|rex "(?i)\\+Version/(?P<Safari>[^/]+)"
|rex "(?i)^(?:[^ ]* ){9}+Opera\\/(?P<Opera>[^\\(]+)"
|rex "(?i)\\+Ubuntu/(?P<Ubuntu>\\d+\\.\\d+)"
|sistats count(Firefox) as FFcnt, count(MSIE) as IEcnt, count(OSX) as OSXcnt, count(Windows) as Wincnt, count(Safari) as Safcnt, count(Chrome) as Chrcnt, count(Opera) as Oprcnt, count(Ubuntu) as Ubucnt, count(_raw) as rawcnt

I can see that the search is running and populating the index with fields named "psrsvd_ct_Chrome" etc. These however appear to be reserved for internal use by Splunk.

How can I use this data now that I've added it to the Summary index? Specifically, I want to run a timechart against it. I'm using v4.1.6

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1 Solution

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Generally you retrieve the data from the summary index using the timechart or stats search commands, specifying the fields and aggreators you want, e.g.:

index=mysummaryindex source=mysummaryname | stats count(Firefox)


index=mysummaryindex source=mysummaryname | timechart count(MSIE) as IECount, count(Windows) as Count_of_Windows

Note that the as variable clauses are basically ignored when si- commands are used to populate a summary index.

View solution in original post

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Generally you retrieve the data from the summary index using the timechart or stats search commands, specifying the fields and aggreators you want, e.g.:

index=mysummaryindex source=mysummaryname | stats count(Firefox)


index=mysummaryindex source=mysummaryname | timechart count(MSIE) as IECount, count(Windows) as Count_of_Windows

Note that the as variable clauses are basically ignored when si- commands are used to populate a summary index.

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