Hi All,
I am trying to use the fillnull to populate empty values within the same field with unique values. For example, the first empty value found in field1, insert unknown1. The second empty value found in field1, insert unknown2, etc...
Any suggestions?
Assuming all the events have a null, or you just need them to be unique (not sequential) try this:
|streamstats count as ct|eval yourNullField=if(isnull(yourNullField),"Unknown "+ct,yourNullField)
Assuming all the events have a null, or you just need them to be unique (not sequential) try this:
|streamstats count as ct|eval yourNullField=if(isnull(yourNullField),"Unknown "+ct,yourNullField)
Thank you for your reply.
What that did was fill in the empty values all the same with "Unknown" and "# of events" for a particular field. Example: Within MyField1 all empty values show "Unknown 500". What I am trying to do is increment the value so all the empty values in MyField1 are unique.
sorry - use streamstats, not event stats.
edited answer
That works, thank you!! I appreciate the quick response.