I am trying the following search syntax in Splunk to build out a report of our top 25 riskiest systems. But when I run it, I get “Unknown search command 'isnull'” message.
Thanks in advance!
index=utexas-chomp (app=TENABLE event=INTEL OR event=VULN family_type!="compliance"severity_name=* NOT hasBeenMitigated=1) OR (app=SCAVENGER event=INTEL OR event=VULN scan_net=ots_network OR scan_net=cluster_network) OR (app=BITSIGHT_FINDINGS event=INTEL OR event=VULN affects_rating="True" grade!=GOOD grade!=NEUTRAL) earliest=-7d
| eval severity_name=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS","seen from bitsight
| (!!!)",severity_name) eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS" and
| isnull(pluginName), remediations_message, pluginName) eval
| pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS" and isnull(pluginName),
| details_message, pluginName) eval
| pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS" and isnull(pluginName),
| infection_family, pluginName) eval
| pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS", "BITSIGHT_" + pluginName,
| pluginName) eval pluginID=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS", pluginName,
| pluginID) eval pluginText=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS",_raw,
| pluginText) eval
| severity_id=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS",1,severity_id)
| eval host_seen_from_bitsight=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS",1,0)
| eval severity_name=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND
| scan_net="ots_network","seen from internet (!!!)",severity_name) eval
| pluginID=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND
| scan_net="ots_network","seen_from_internet-"+protocol+port,pluginID)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND
| scan_net="ots_network","seen_from_internet-"+protocol+port,pluginName)
| eval pluginText=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND
| scan_net="ots_network","seen_from_internet-"+protocol+port,pluginText)
| eval severity_id=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network"
| ,1,severity_id) eval host_seen_from_internet=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND
| scan_net=="ots_network",1,0)
| eval severity_name=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND
| scan_net=="cluster_network","seen from campus (!)",severity_name) eval
| pluginID=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND
| scan_net=="cluster_network","seen_from_campus-"+protocol+port,pluginID
| ) eval pluginName=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND
| scan_net=="cluster_network","seen_from_campus-"+protocol+port,pluginNa
| me) eval pluginText=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND
| scan_net=="cluster_network","seen_from_campus-"+protocol+port,pluginTe
| xt) eval severity_id=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND
| scan_net=="cluster_network" ,1,severity_id) eval
| host_seen_from_campus=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND
| scan_net=="cluster_network",1,0)
| extract pairdelim=" ,", kvdelim="=", auto=f, limit=500000,
| maxchars=1204800 mv_add=f rex field=pluginText "Credentialed checks : (?<credentialed_checks>[^|]+)"
| where severity_id > 0
| dedup pluginID, srcip
| eventstats sum(host_seen_from_internet) as internet_ports_open
| sum(host_seen_from_campus) as campus_ports_open
| sum(host_seen_from_bitsight) as bitsight_ports_open by port, srcip
| `tenable_severity`
| eval last_seen = strftime(_time, "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p") rex field=cpe
| "cpe:/[a-z]:(?<cpe_vendor>[^:]+):(?<cpe_software>[a-z0-9]+)"
| rex field=pluginText "Credentialed checks : (?<credentialed_checks>[^|]+)"
| eval cpe_vendor = if(pluginName like "seen_from_internet%",
| "seen_from_internet", cpe_vendor) eventstats count as cpe_count, by
| cpe_vendor, srcip eval VULNID = if(cpe_count > 4, cpe_count + " " +
| cpe_vendor + " vulnerabilities", pluginName) eval VULNID =
| if(isnull(cpe_vendor), pluginName, VULNID)
| eval wholecpe = cpe_vendor + ":" + cpe_software
| stats first(dnsName) as fqdn max(severity) as max_severity
| values(VULNID) as vulns first(last_seen) as last_seen,
| values(wholecpe) as vulnerable_software count as vulnerablities
| first(deptcode) as deptcode by srcip eval fqdn = if(fqdn == "" or
| isnull(fqdn), "Could Not Resolve", fqdn)
| sort 25 - max_severity
Hi @sakanet I have "approximately" edited your query, still lot of editings needed I think. (this tip will be useful to you.... you can copy paste your search query into splunk search bar and press "Ctrl and \", which will format your search query in a readable style..)
index=utexas-chomp (app=TENABLE event=INTEL OR event=VULN family_type!="compliance"severity_name=* NOT hasBeenMitigated=1) OR (app=SCAVENGER event=INTEL OR event=VULN scan_net=ots_network OR scan_net=cluster_network) OR (app=BITSIGHT_FINDINGS event=INTEL OR event=VULN affects_rating="True" grade!=GOOD grade!=NEUTRAL) earliest=-7d
| eval severity_name=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS","seen from bitsight(!!!)",severity_name)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS" and isnull(pluginName), remediations_message, pluginName)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS" and isnull(pluginName), details_message, pluginName)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS" and isnull(pluginName), infection_family, pluginName)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS", "BITSIGHT_" + pluginName, pluginName)
| eval pluginID=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS", pluginName,pluginID)
| eval pluginText=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS",_raw,pluginText)
| eval severity_id=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS",1,severity_id)
| eval host_seen_from_bitsight=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS",1,0)
| eval severity_name=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen from internet (!!!)",severity_name)
| eval pluginID=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen_from_internet-"+protocol+port,pluginID)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen_from_internet-"+protocol+port,pluginName)
| eval pluginText=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen_from_internet-"+protocol+port,pluginText)
| eval severity_id=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network",1,severity_id)
| eval host_seen_from_internet=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="ots_network",1,0)
| eval severity_name=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen from campus (!)",severity_name)
| eval pluginID=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen_from_campus-"+protocol+port,pluginID)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen_from_campus-"+protocol+port,pluginName)
| eval pluginText=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen_from_campus-"+protocol+port,pluginText)
| eval severity_id=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network" ,1,severity_id)
| eval host_seen_from_campus=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network",1,0)
| extract pairdelim=" ,", kvdelim="=", auto=f, limit=500000, maxchars=1204800 mv_add=f
| rex field=pluginText "Credentialed checks : (?<credentialed_checks>[^|]+)"
| where severity_id > 0
| dedup pluginID, srcip
| eventstats sum(host_seen_from_internet) as internet_ports_open
sum(host_seen_from_campus) as campus_ports_open
sum(host_seen_from_bitsight) as bitsight_ports_open by port, srcip
| `tenable_severity`
| eval last_seen = strftime(_time, "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p")
| rex field=cpe "cpe:/[a-z]:(?<cpe_vendor>[^:]+):(?<cpe_software>[a-z0-9]+)"
| rex field=pluginText "Credentialed checks : (?<credentialed_checks>[^|]+)"
| eval cpe_vendor = if(pluginName like "seen_from_internet%", "seen_from_internet", cpe_vendor) eventstats count as cpe_count, by cpe_vendor, srcip
| eval VULNID = if(cpe_count > 4, cpe_count + " " + cpe_vendor + " vulnerabilities", pluginName)
| eval VULNID = if(isnull(cpe_vendor), pluginName, VULNID)
| eval wholecpe = cpe_vendor + ":" + cpe_software
| stats first(dnsName) as fqdn max(severity) as max_severity, values(VULNID) as vulns first(last_seen) as last_seen, values(wholecpe) as vulnerable_software count as vulnerablities
first(deptcode) as deptcode by srcip
| eval fqdn = if(fqdn == "" or isnull(fqdn), "Could Not Resolve", fqdn)
| sort 25 - max_severity
Hi @sakanet I have "approximately" edited your query, still lot of editings needed I think. (this tip will be useful to you.... you can copy paste your search query into splunk search bar and press "Ctrl and \", which will format your search query in a readable style..)
index=utexas-chomp (app=TENABLE event=INTEL OR event=VULN family_type!="compliance"severity_name=* NOT hasBeenMitigated=1) OR (app=SCAVENGER event=INTEL OR event=VULN scan_net=ots_network OR scan_net=cluster_network) OR (app=BITSIGHT_FINDINGS event=INTEL OR event=VULN affects_rating="True" grade!=GOOD grade!=NEUTRAL) earliest=-7d
| eval severity_name=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS","seen from bitsight(!!!)",severity_name)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS" and isnull(pluginName), remediations_message, pluginName)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS" and isnull(pluginName), details_message, pluginName)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS" and isnull(pluginName), infection_family, pluginName)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS", "BITSIGHT_" + pluginName, pluginName)
| eval pluginID=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS", pluginName,pluginID)
| eval pluginText=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS",_raw,pluginText)
| eval severity_id=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS",1,severity_id)
| eval host_seen_from_bitsight=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS",1,0)
| eval severity_name=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen from internet (!!!)",severity_name)
| eval pluginID=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen_from_internet-"+protocol+port,pluginID)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen_from_internet-"+protocol+port,pluginName)
| eval pluginText=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen_from_internet-"+protocol+port,pluginText)
| eval severity_id=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network",1,severity_id)
| eval host_seen_from_internet=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="ots_network",1,0)
| eval severity_name=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen from campus (!)",severity_name)
| eval pluginID=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen_from_campus-"+protocol+port,pluginID)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen_from_campus-"+protocol+port,pluginName)
| eval pluginText=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen_from_campus-"+protocol+port,pluginText)
| eval severity_id=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network" ,1,severity_id)
| eval host_seen_from_campus=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network",1,0)
| extract pairdelim=" ,", kvdelim="=", auto=f, limit=500000, maxchars=1204800 mv_add=f
| rex field=pluginText "Credentialed checks : (?<credentialed_checks>[^|]+)"
| where severity_id > 0
| dedup pluginID, srcip
| eventstats sum(host_seen_from_internet) as internet_ports_open
sum(host_seen_from_campus) as campus_ports_open
sum(host_seen_from_bitsight) as bitsight_ports_open by port, srcip
| `tenable_severity`
| eval last_seen = strftime(_time, "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p")
| rex field=cpe "cpe:/[a-z]:(?<cpe_vendor>[^:]+):(?<cpe_software>[a-z0-9]+)"
| rex field=pluginText "Credentialed checks : (?<credentialed_checks>[^|]+)"
| eval cpe_vendor = if(pluginName like "seen_from_internet%", "seen_from_internet", cpe_vendor) eventstats count as cpe_count, by cpe_vendor, srcip
| eval VULNID = if(cpe_count > 4, cpe_count + " " + cpe_vendor + " vulnerabilities", pluginName)
| eval VULNID = if(isnull(cpe_vendor), pluginName, VULNID)
| eval wholecpe = cpe_vendor + ":" + cpe_software
| stats first(dnsName) as fqdn max(severity) as max_severity, values(VULNID) as vulns first(last_seen) as last_seen, values(wholecpe) as vulnerable_software count as vulnerablities
first(deptcode) as deptcode by srcip
| eval fqdn = if(fqdn == "" or isnull(fqdn), "Could Not Resolve", fqdn)
| sort 25 - max_severity
Hi @inventsekar ,I really appreciate your time and effort! I tried it and got the following two errors:
index=utexas-chomp (app=TENABLE event=INTEL OR event=VULN family_type!="compliance"severity_name=* NOT hasBeenMitigated=1) OR (app=SCAVENGER event=INTEL OR event=VULN scan_net=ots_network OR scan_net=cluster_network) OR (app=BITSIGHT_FINDINGS event=INTEL OR event=VULN affects_rating="True" grade!=GOOD grade!=NEUTRAL) deptcodegroup=UTEXAS earliest=-7d
| eval severity_name=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS","seen from bitsight (!!!)",severity_name)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS" and isnull(pluginName), remediations_message, pluginName)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS" and isnull(pluginName), details_message, pluginName)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS" and isnull(pluginName), infection_family, pluginName)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS", "BITSIGHT_" + pluginName, pluginName)
| eval pluginID=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS", pluginName, pluginID)
| eval pluginText=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS",_raw, pluginText)
| eval severity_id=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS",1,severity_id)
| eval host_seen_from_bitsight=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS",1,0)
| eval severity_name=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen from internet (!!!)",severity_name)
| eval pluginID=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen_from_internet-"+protocol+port,pluginID)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen_from_internet-"+protocol+port,pluginName)
| eval pluginText=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen_from_internet-"+protocol+port,pluginText)
| eval severity_id=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network" ,1,severity_id)
| eval host_seen_from_internet=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="ots_network",1,0)
| eval severity_name=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen from campus (!)",severity_name)
| eval pluginID=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen_from_campus-"+protocol+port,pluginID)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen_from_campus-"+protocol+port,pluginName)
| eval pluginText=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen_from_campus-"+protocol+port,pluginText)
| eval severity_id=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network" ,1,severity_id)
| eval host_seen_from_campus=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network",1,0)
| extract pairdelim=" ,", kvdelim="=", auto=f, limit=500000, maxchars=1204800 mv_add=f
| rex field=pluginText "Credentialed checks : (?<credentialed_checks>[^|]+)"
| where severity_id > 0
| dedup pluginID, srcip
| eventstats sum(host_seen_from_internet) as internet_ports_open sum(host_seen_from_campus) as campus_ports_open sum(host_seen_from_bitsight) as bitsight_ports_open by port, srcip
| `tenable_severity`
| eval last_seen = strftime(_time, "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p")
| rex field=cpe "cpe:/[a-z]:(?<cpe_vendor>[^:]+):(?<cpe_software>[a-z0-9]+)"
| rex field=pluginText "Credentialed checks : (?<credentialed_checks>[^|]+)"
| eval cpe_vendor = if(pluginName like "seen_from_internet%", "seen_from_internet", cpe_vendor)
| eventstats count as cpe_count, by cpe_vendor, srcip
| eval VULNID = if(cpe_count > 4, cpe_count + " " + cpe_vendor + " vulnerabilities", pluginName)
| eval VULNID = if(isnull(cpe_vendor), pluginName, VULNID)
| eval wholecpe = cpe_vendor + ":" + cpe_software
| stats first(dnsName) as fqdn max(severity) as max_severity values(VULNID) as vulns first(last_seen) as last_seen, values(wholecpe) as vulnerable_software count as vulnerablities first(deptcode) as deptcode by srcip
| eval fqdn = if(fqdn == "" or isnull(fqdn), "Could Not Resolve", fqdn)
| sort 25 - max_severity
index=utexas-chomp (app=TENABLE event=INTEL OR event=VULN family_type!="compliance"severity_name=* NOT hasBeenMitigated=1) OR (app=SCAVENGER event=INTEL OR event=VULN scan_net=ots_network OR scan_net=cluster_network) OR (app=BITSIGHT_FINDINGS event=INTEL OR event=VULN affects_rating="True" grade!=GOOD grade!=NEUTRAL) deptcodegroup=UTEXAS earliest=-7d
| eval severity_name=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS","seen from bitsight (!!!)",severity_name)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS" and isnull(pluginName), remediations_message, pluginName)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS" and isnull(pluginName), details_message, pluginName)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS" and isnull(pluginName), infection_family, pluginName)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS", "BITSIGHT_" + pluginName, pluginName)
| eval pluginID=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS", pluginName, pluginID)
| eval pluginText=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS",_raw, pluginText)
| eval severity_id=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS",1,severity_id)
| eval host_seen_from_bitsight=if(app=="BITSIGHT_FINDINGS",1,0)
| eval severity_name=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen from internet (!!!)",severity_name)
| eval pluginID=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen_from_internet-"+protocol+port,pluginID)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen_from_internet-"+protocol+port,pluginName)
| eval pluginText=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network","seen_from_internet-"+protocol+port,pluginText)
| eval severity_id=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net="ots_network" ,1,severity_id)
| eval host_seen_from_internet=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="ots_network",1,0)
| eval severity_name=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen from campus (!)",severity_name)
| eval pluginID=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen_from_campus-"+protocol+port,pluginID)
| eval pluginName=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen_from_campus-"+protocol+port,pluginName)
| eval pluginText=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network","seen_from_campus-"+protocol+port,pluginText)
| eval severity_id=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network" ,1,severity_id)
| eval host_seen_from_campus=if(app=="SCAVENGER" AND scan_net=="cluster_network",1,0)
| extract pairdelim=" ,", kvdelim="=", auto=f, limit=500000, maxchars=1204800 mv_add=f
| rex field=pluginText "Credentialed checks : (?<credentialed_checks>[^|]+)"
| where severity_id > 0
| dedup pluginID, srcip
| eventstats sum(host_seen_from_internet) as internet_ports_open sum(host_seen_from_campus) as campus_ports_open sum(host_seen_from_bitsight) as bitsight_ports_open by port, srcip
| `tenable_severity`
| eval last_seen = strftime(_time, "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p")
| rex field=cpe "cpe:/[a-z]:(?<cpe_vendor>[^:]+):(?<cpe_software>[a-z0-9]+)"
| rex field=pluginText "Credentialed checks : (?<credentialed_checks>[^|]+)"
| eval cpe_vendor = if(pluginName like "seen_from_internet%", "seen_from_internet", cpe_vendor)
| eventstats count as cpe_count, by cpe_vendor, srcip
| eval VULNID = if(cpe_count > 4, cpe_count + " " + cpe_vendor + " vulnerabilities", pluginName)
| eval VULNID = if(isnull(cpe_vendor), pluginName, VULNID)
| eval wholecpe = cpe_vendor + ":" + cpe_software
| stats first(dnsName) as fqdn max(severity) as max_severity values(VULNID) as vulns first(last_seen) as last_seen, values(wholecpe) as vulnerable_software count as vulnerablities first(deptcode) as deptcode by srcip
| eval fqdn = if(fqdn == "" or isnull(fqdn), "Could Not Resolve", fqdn)
| sort 25 - max_severity
Hi renjith_nair,
I just signed up last night and posted this question, I swear I did not see all the formatting tools, it was late at night, maybe I just missed them.
This code was given to me by someone else. I am very new to this, I will try to reach out to him and see if he can help.
Hi @sakanet
its difficult and confusing to edit/update your query(the "|" are misplaced ).. so lets do this step by step..
this is the format of the "isnull" command(isnull always works inside the "eval")
| eval VULNID = if(isnull(cpe_vendor), pluginName, VULNID)
now, you can edit your query accordingly and then copy paste the query, then, we will edit/correct the typing issues.
isnull documentation -
Please use code sample (</>) for search snippets for better readability.
Are those pipe( | ) symbols in each line part of your search ? If yes, your search is wrongly formatted and the search terms are wrongly placed.