Splunk Search

Union of two fields

Path Finder

I have a query that produces results that has two columns :

| field1 | field2 | 

Field1 & Field2 have same domain, i.e. takes same set of values. I need to find out Union of the distinct values from both fields.

Any ideas?

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1 Solution


Something like this:

...your search...
| stats values(field1) as f1values values(field2) as f2values 
| eval allvalues=mvdedup(mvappend(f1values,f2values))

ought to work.

View solution in original post

Path Finder

I propose this

Index=…  field1=*|table field1|append[search  index=…  field2=*|table field2]| eval allvalues=mvappend(field1,field2)|dedup allvalues |table field1 field2 allvalues |sort allvalues
0 Karma


It's not clear what you want the output to be. This will show all the combinations of field1 and field2 in your data.

<your search> | dedup field1 field2 | ...
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
0 Karma


Something like this:

...your search...
| stats values(field1) as f1values values(field2) as f2values 
| eval allvalues=mvdedup(mvappend(f1values,f2values))

ought to work.

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