I am unable to get proper result for the Average Field.
Here is my search:
index=entloggingnonprod_catchall_bam sourcetype=mq_business_nonprod source="F:\\temp\\..." | xmlkv | search "mstns:ActivityTransCorrelationId"=* | eval Date=strftime(_time, "%m-%d-%Y") | stats min("mstns:MilestoneDate") as BeginMilestoneTime max("mstns:MilestoneDate") as EndMilestoneTime by "mstns:ActivityTransCorrelationId" | eval it = strptime(BeginMilestoneTime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N") | eval ot = strptime(EndMilestoneTime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N") | eval ResponseTime = round((ot - it)/60) | appendcols [search index=entloggingnonprod_catchall_bam sourcetype=mq_business_nonprod source="F:\\temp\\..." | xmlkv | search "mstns:ActivityTransCorrelationId"=* | stats min("mstns:MilestoneDate") as BeginMilestoneTime max("mstns:MilestoneDate") as EndMilestoneTime by "mstns:ActivityTransCorrelationId" | eval it = strptime(BeginMilestoneTime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N") | eval ot = strptime(EndMilestoneTime , "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N") | eval ResponseTime = round((ot - it)/60) | stats avg(ResponseTime) as Average by ResponseTime ] | rename "mstns:ActivityTransCorrelationId" as ActivityTransCorrelationID | rex field=BeginMilestoneTime mode=sed "s/T.*//" | rex field=EndMilestoneTime mode=sed "s/T.*//" | rex field=EndMilestoneTime mode=sed "s/T/ /g" | rex field=EndMilestoneTime mode=sed "s/Z//g" | sort date_mday ascending
Is there something that I may be missing?
That entire search is a mess. Here's what looks weird to me:
won't yield useful results because the rows don't fit together.stats avg(ResponseTime) by ResponseTime
doesn't make sense.sort
ing by date_mday
- that field shouldn't exist because your stats
doesn't return it.Without knowing what you're looking for, especially what the average field should correspond to, there really is no way to tell how the search should actually look like to yield your desired results.
That entire search is a mess. Here's what looks weird to me:
won't yield useful results because the rows don't fit together.stats avg(ResponseTime) by ResponseTime
doesn't make sense.sort
ing by date_mday
- that field shouldn't exist because your stats
doesn't return it.Without knowing what you're looking for, especially what the average field should correspond to, there really is no way to tell how the search should actually look like to yield your desired results.
I used event-stats and am getting proper results. Thanks for your suggestions
How sure are you that it's due to the average command? What error message are you getting? I would suggest taking off your alias's first and see if you get the same error. I would also suggest trying it in pieces and adding more upon success. We need more information so we can help you