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UNIX CPU data extraction for multiple hosts

Path Finder

Am trying to extract UNIX CPU data core wise for multiple hosts, Am using the below query for extract,

source=cpu host="XYZ"
| multikv fields CPU pctIdle
| eval Percent_CPU_Load = 100 - pctIdle
| timechart span=5m eval(round(avg(Percent_CPU_Load),0)) by CPU
| table _time all *
| eval _time=strftime(_time,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
| table _time all *

however this looses the host field after the timechart command and am not able to view name of the host in the table.

"08/14/2019 14:35:00",3,3,4,4,5,3,2,3,2
"08/14/2019 14:40:00",5,5,7,6,5,5,4,5,4
"08/14/2019 14:45:00",4,4,4,5,5,4,4,3,4
"08/14/2019 14:50:00",2,2,1,2,2,2,5,4,1

I also tried with the bucket and stats command which gives the host field (query as below) but, it changes the format.

index=main host="XYZ" source=cpu
| multikv fields pctIdle host CPU
| eval Percent_CPU_Load = 100 - pctIdle
| table _time host CPU Percent_CPU_Load
| bucket _time span=5m
| stats avg(Percent_CPU_Load) by _time,CPU,host


Am also unable to use an eval command and add a host field, Because the query is for an extract and I might need to add multiple hosts.
So please could some one help me with an extract in the below format

_time, Host, all,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7

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0 Karma

Path Finder

Hi Sukisen,
Timechart command doesn’t accept a second argument. So it’s throwing an error.

0 Karma


what happens if inyour first code, you just tinker with the timechart a bit

| timechart span=5m eval(round(avg(Percent_CPU_Load),0)) ,values(host) by CPU
0 Karma

Path Finder

Hi sukisen,
Timechart command is not taking a second argument, so it errors out. Any other ideas pls

0 Karma


hi @johnsasikumar the issue is with the renaming try this. Timechart won;t take more than 1 field AFTER the by clause , but there are no restrictions before the by clause

| timechart span=5m eval(round(avg(Percent_CPU_Load),0)) as cpu_load ,values(host) as host by CPU
0 Karma

Path Finder

Hi @Sukisen1981
I did try and rename, it works when I give one host. But it doesn’t work for multiple hosts.
When I add an additional host it doesn’t work

0 Karma


in your first code having the timechart, what if you also extract the host using multikv?
source=cpu host="XYZ"
| multikv fields CPU pctIdle host

and then apply the timechart with rename?

0 Karma
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