I am tring to run a chart report followting the exemple from Search manual p.71, I get a field named "Serveur"
index="" sourcetype="" |
stats count(CPU=0) as 0_CPU avg(CPU) as avg_CPU by _time Serveur |
eval s1="CPU_0 avgCPU" |
makemv s1 | mvexpand s1|
eval yval=case(s1=="CPU_0",0_CPU,s1=="avgCPU",avg_CPU) |
eval series=Serveur+":"s1 | xyseries _time series yval
but there is an error with that eval in black, it shows "Error in 'eval' command: The expression is malformed. Expected )", but I just can't find where I missed the ")". Thanks for helping me.
Hello!n I think the error is here: eval series=Serveur+":"s1
. Here is what to write: eval series=Serveur+":"+s1
index="" sourcetype="" |
stats count(eval(CPU="0")) as 0_CPU avg(CPU) as avg_CPU by _time Serveur |
eval s1="CPU_0 avgCPU" |
makemv s1 | mvexpand s1|
eval yval=case(s1=="CPU_0",0_CPU,s1=="avgCPU",avg_CPU) |
eval series=Serveur+":"+s1 | xyseries _time series yval
index="" sourcetype="" |
stats count(CPU=0) as 0_CPU avg(CPU) as avg_CPU by _time Serveur |
eval s1="CPU_0 avgCPU" |
makemv s1 | mvexpand s1|
eval yval=case(s1=="CPU_0",0_CPU,s1=="avgCPU",avg_CPU) |
eval series=Serveur+":"+s1 | xyseries _time series yval
both having error : Error in 'eval' command: The expression is malformed. Expected ).
Maybe it's a version issue ? I am using 6.2.2, the search manual is 6.3.2
I still see double quotes missing. I ran the following on 6.2.2 and didn`t get any error:
index="" sourcetype="" |
stats count(CPU=0) as 0_CPU avg(CPU) as avg_CPU by _time Serveur |
eval s1="CPU_0 avgCPU" |
makemv s1 | mvexpand s1|
eval yval=case(s1=="CPU_0","0_CPU",s1=="avgCPU","avg_CPU") |
eval series=Serveur+":"+s1 | xyseries _time series yval
eval yval=case(s1=="CPU_0","0_CPU",s1=="avgCPU","avg_CPU") |
that ran without error, but I didn't get the result I want.
In fact, I want to be able to ran this :
index=* sourcetype=* | timechart count(CPU=0) avg(CPU) by Serveur
However, timechart does not support multiple data series, and the exmple of The Search manual shows that I can run a similar search,
this is the original search from the document :
index=application_servers | stats sum(handledRequests) as hRs,
avg(sessions) as ssns by _time,source | eval s1="handledReqs sessions"
| makemv s1 | mvexpand s1 | eval
yval=case(s1=="handledReqs",hRs,s1=="sessions",ssns) | eval
series=source+":"+s1 | xyseries _time,series,yval
I changed it but my search didn't work :
index=* sourcetype="*" |
stats count(CPU=0) as 0_CPU avg(CPU) as avg_CPU by _time Serveur |
eval s1="CPU_0 avgCPU" |
makemv s1 | mvexpand s1|
eval yval=case(s1=="CPU_0",0_CPU,s1=="avgCPU",avg_CPU) |
eval series=Serveur+":"+s1 | xyseries _time series yval
Can you help me find out the reason ? Thank you in advance !
OK. I think the problem is that 0_CPU
. The name of the field is incorect. It must not start with a digit. Change the name of that field and use for example nulcpu
index="" sourcetype="" |
stats count(eval(CPU="0")) as nulcpu avg(CPU) as avg_CPU by _time Serveur |
eval s1="CPU_0 avgCPU" |
makemv s1 | mvexpand s1|
eval yval=case(s1=="CPU_0",nulcpu,s1=="avgCPU",avg_CPU) |
eval series=Serveur+":"+s1 | xyseries _time series yval
I'm sure it will work now.
thank you so much, that one works...
The answer to accept is the one bellow. I did not received any point
Hello!n I think the error is here: eval series=Serveur+":"s1
. Here is what to write: eval series=Serveur+":"+s1
Thanks for your answer, that was a mistake occurred when I typed the question
The problem is the eval in black anyway,
in fact I did test without the last line and it gave me always:
Error in 'eval' command: The expression is malformed. Expected ).
Here you go:
index="" sourcetype="" |
stats count(eval(CPU="0")) as 0_CPU avg(CPU) as avg_CPU by _time Serveur |
eval s1="CPU_0 avgCPU" |
makemv s1 | mvexpand s1|
eval yval=case(s1=="CPU_0",0_CPU,s1=="avgCPU",avg_CPU) |
eval series=Serveur+":"+s1 | xyseries _time series yval
Thanks again !
But It doesn't work, always the same error.
this eval make the whole command goes wrong : eval yval=case(s1=="CPU_0",0_CPU,s1=="avgCPU",avg_CPU
You forgot to enclose them with double quote :
eval yval=case(s1="CPU_0","0_CPU",s1="avgCPU","avg_CPU")
That's a copy/paste issue..
index="" sourcetype="" |
stats count(eval(CPU="0")) as 0_CPU avg(CPU) as avg_CPU by _time Serveur |
eval s1="CPU_0 avgCPU" |
makemv s1 | mvexpand s1|
eval yval=case(s1=="CPU_0",0_CPU,s1=="avgCPU",avg_CPU) |
eval series=Serveur+":"+s1 | xyseries _time series yval
index="" sourcetype="" |
stats count(CPU=0) as 0_CPU avg(CPU) as avg_CPU by _time Serveur |
eval s1="CPU_0 avgCPU" |
makemv s1 | mvexpand s1|
eval yval=case(s1=="CPU_0",0_CPU,s1=="avgCPU",avg_CPU) |
eval series=Serveur+":"+s1 | xyseries _time series yval
both not working in my splunk
OK. I think the problem is that 0_CPU
. The name of the field is incorect.. It must not start with a digit. Change the name of that field and use for example nulcpu
index="" sourcetype="" |
stats count(eval(CPU="0")) as nulcpu avg(CPU) as avg_CPU by _time Serveur |
eval s1="CPU_0 avgCPU" |
makemv s1 | mvexpand s1|
eval yval=case(s1=="CPU_0",nulcpu,s1=="avgCPU",avg_CPU) |
eval series=Serveur+":"+s1 | xyseries _time series yval
I'm sure it will work now.