Hi all,
I am new to Splunk and I would like to seek help from the Splunk Community to generate the net power consumption with the following conditions:
1. I have two sets of assets namely A and B, which generate a power consumption value. To get the net power consumption (NPC), I will need to subtract the power value of A from B. (NPC=powerB-powerA)
2. The power consumption values are accumulated. To obtain the power consumed by each asset, I subtracted the earliest power value from the latest value. (power=latest-earliest)
The problem which I'm facing now is I can't use the same field (power) to generate the power consumption values for asset A and B. I attempted to do a multisearch because I want both my search to run at the same time but the error which I got was "subsearch contains a non-streaming command".
Below is my search query:
| multisearch
[ | stats latest(Power) as latest_A earliest(Power) as earliest_A by A]
[| stats latest(Power) as latest_B earliest(Power) as earliest_B by B]
| eval powerA = latestA - earliestA
| eval powerB = latestB - earliestB
| eval NPC = powerB - powerA
What are the alternatives way or commands which will make my query work? Please help!
@splunk_rookie Try below-
| stats latest(Power) as latest_power earliest(Power) as earliest_power by Asset
| eval powers = latest_power - earliest_power
| stats sum(eval(if(Asset=="A",powers,0))) as A sum(eval(if(Asset=="B",powers,0))) as B
| eval NPC = B- A
If this helps an upvote will be appreciated!
@splunk_rookie Try below-
| stats latest(Power) as latest_power earliest(Power) as earliest_power by Asset
| eval powers = latest_power - earliest_power
| stats sum(eval(if(Asset=="A",powers,0))) as A sum(eval(if(Asset=="B",powers,0))) as B
| eval NPC = B- A
If this helps an upvote will be appreciated!
thanks! it works~
Hi @splunk_rookie,
Are the assets A and B different fields in the log file ? Or field values? Can you please post a sample data for us to help?
Hi @scelikok ,
Assets A and B are from the same field. Sorry, I can't provide the sample data but let me list out the fields which I used.
1. Asset
2. Power
3. _time
Given that the power value generated by Asset A is a regenerative energy and Asset B is consumption energy, I had to split the latest(power) and earliest(power) by Asset A and Asset B before subtracting them to obtain the net power consumption.