Hi There!
I would like to include/exclude weekend in the search, So i had created the dropdown for that, I'm getting error in the searches,
My Time format is
My dropdown is
<input type="radio" token="weekends" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="NOT (day_of_week="saturday" OR day_of_week="sunday")">Exclude Weekends</choice>
<choice value="day_of_week="*"">Include Weekends</choice>
<default>NOT (day_of_week="saturday" OR day_of_week="sunday")</default>
<initialValue>NOT (day_of_week="saturday" OR day_of_week="sunday")</initialValue>
My search is
`compliance("`console`", now(), -15d@d, mcafee,*, virus_, *, *, *)`
| eval day_of_week = lower(strftime(_time,"%A"))
| where NOT (day_of_week="saturday" OR day_of_week="sunday")
| chart count by virus_global
| sort virus_global
Your filter to include weekends is "day_of_week="*"". The asterisk as wildcard doesn't work with "where" command. So either change your search to replace "where" with "search" OR change your include weekend filter.
Either Change search to:
`compliance("`console`", now(), -15d@d, mcafee,*, virus_, *, *, *)`
| eval day_of_week = lower(strftime(_time,"%A"))
| search NOT (day_of_week="saturday" OR day_of_week="sunday")
| chart count by virus_global
| sort virus_global
OR change radio button to:
<input type="radio" token="weekends" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="NOT (day_of_week="saturday" OR day_of_week="sunday")">Exclude Weekends</choice>
<choice value="true()">Include Weekends</choice>
<default>NOT (day_of_week="saturday" OR day_of_week="sunday")</default>
<initialValue>NOT (day_of_week="saturday" OR day_of_week="sunday").
Your filter to include weekends is "day_of_week="*"". The asterisk as wildcard doesn't work with "where" command. So either change your search to replace "where" with "search" OR change your include weekend filter.
Either Change search to:
`compliance("`console`", now(), -15d@d, mcafee,*, virus_, *, *, *)`
| eval day_of_week = lower(strftime(_time,"%A"))
| search NOT (day_of_week="saturday" OR day_of_week="sunday")
| chart count by virus_global
| sort virus_global
OR change radio button to:
<input type="radio" token="weekends" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="NOT (day_of_week="saturday" OR day_of_week="sunday")">Exclude Weekends</choice>
<choice value="true()">Include Weekends</choice>
<default>NOT (day_of_week="saturday" OR day_of_week="sunday")</default>
<initialValue>NOT (day_of_week="saturday" OR day_of_week="sunday").
Hi @somesoni2 ,
Thanks for your response!
It works, Also is that possible to change the time range picker value as a token based on some conditions
If present day is "Monday" and if user selects the option "Exclude weekend", the time range picker should looks for the data on friday
If user selects the option "Include weekend", the time range picker should be yesterday
Thanks in Advance!