Can someone please tell me how we can compare the value of a particular day with the value of the same day of last week and create a new field as deviation.
Example :
Below command generates the output as below :
| stats sum(Number_Events) as TOTAL by FIeld1 FIeld2 FIeld3 Day Time Week_of_year Total
We need the output like below :
1. In tabular form : Is it possible to have an output like below :
2. If point 1 is possible to be created , then Is it possible to have a time-chart with 3 lines over the 24 hours of the day . Example of data for 3 hours is attached
1 line corresponds to Week of year -2 (39)
2nd line corresponds to Week of year -1 (40)
3rd line corresponds to Week of year (41)
Thanks in advance to help me out.
| stats count as Total by field1 field2 field3 Day Time Week
| eval Week_{Week} = Total
| stats values(Week_*) as Week_* by field1 field2 field3 Day Time
| fillnull value=0
| eval Deviation=2*Week_41/(Week_39+Week_40)
HI @ITWhisperer
Thanks for the response.
But instead of hard-coading the week number to generate the deviation
| eval Deviation=2*Week_41/(Week_39+Week_40) the week
Can we dynamically give the dynamic value of the week as below :
| eval Deviation=2*Week_{current_week}/(Week_{current_week - 1} +Week_{current_week - 2})
Thanks in advance.
Just re-evaluate Week after the stats command to be current week, current week -1 and current week -2 as appropriate
Hi @ITWhisperer
Can you please let me how can I correct the below stats command to re-evaluate Week after the stats command to be current week, current week -1 and current week -2.
| stats count as Total by field1 field2 field3 Day Time Week
| eval Week_{Week} = Total
| stats values(Week_*) as Week_* by field1 field2 field3 Day Time
| fillnull value=0
| eval Deviation=2*Week_41/(Week_39+Week_40)
| stats count as Total by field1 field2 field3 Day Time Week
| eventstats max(Week) as ThisWeek
| eval Week=if(Week=ThisWeek,"CurrentWeek","CurrentWeek".(Week-ThisWeek))
| eval {Week} = Total
| stats values(Current*) as Current* by field1 field2 field3 Day Time
| fillnull value=0
| eval Deviation=2*CurrentWeek/('CurrentWeek-2'+'CurrentWeek-1')
@ITWhisperer : Thanks It worked. You are best 🙂
Just a small correction related to the order of columns.
Is it possible to have currentweek-4 column first, then currentweek-3 , then currentweek-2 , then currentweek-1 and , currentweek in the end before Deviation.
Just append a table command listing the fields in the order you want them
Hi @ITWhisperer
As CurrentWeek* is calculated dynamically , how can i put that field in the table command.
If i use the below table command , it shows me the result in the same order.
How can i reverse the order of the CurrentWeek columns ???
| table A B C DAY_OF_WEEK Start_Time CurrentWeek* Deviation
Don't use wildcards or at least not for the -1 -2 -3 part - currently in your screenshot all the names are fixed