My query is something like below
index = "A" | table x | stats dc(x) as total | appendcols [search index = "B" earliest="d" latest="@now" | table y | stats dc (y) as active ] | eval ratio = active/total
index "B" consists of real time events and we get distinct user counts in variable "active".
index "A" consists of total user count
I want to plot ratio over a period of time (span = 1h)
Tried few queries but couldn't get to the result
| makeresults count=2
| streamstats count
| eval _time=round(_time / 60 ) * 60
| eval _time=if(count==2,relative_time(_time,"-24h"),_time)
| makecontinuous _time span=1m
| eval user_id = random() % 100 + 1
| timechart span=1h dc(user_id) as active
| eval total = [| makeresults count=100
| eval user_id = random() % 100 + 1
| stats dc(user_id) as total
| return $total]
| stats values(active) As active values(total) AS total BY _time
| eval ratio = round(active/total,2)
This is sample query.
index = "A"
| timechart dc(user_id) as active
| eval total = [ | inputlookup users.csv
| fields user_id
| stats dc(user_id) as total
| return $total]
| eval ratio = active/total
| fields _time active total ratio
How about this?
@gcusello , I'm sorry to break into a conversation.
| makeresults count=2
| streamstats count
| eval _time=round(_time / 60 ) * 60
| eval _time=if(count==2,relative_time(_time,"-24h"),_time)
| makecontinuous _time span=1m
| eval user_id = random() % 100 + 1
| timechart span=1h dc(user_id) as active
| eval total = [| makeresults count=100
| eval user_id = random() % 100 + 1
| stats dc(user_id) as total
| return $total]
| stats values(active) As active values(total) AS total BY _time
| eval ratio = round(active/total,2)
This is sample query.
index = "A"
| timechart dc(user_id) as active
| eval total = [ | inputlookup users.csv
| fields user_id
| stats dc(user_id) as total
| return $total]
| eval ratio = active/total
| fields _time active total ratio
How about this?
@gcusello , I'm sorry to break into a conversation.
One more thing, as shown in the image, for 2:00 am it shows 0.79, actually, the value should be it should be for 3:00 am. Somehow, splunk searches in reverse way and scans for events in from 3:00 am to 2:00 am and then assigns the value for 2:00 am as in the below image.
I want it in other way round. the value should be shown at 3:00 am
Any idea how can we do it?
_time active total ratio
2019-10-22 23:00 20 69 0.29
2019-10-23 00:00 45 69 0.65
2019-10-23 01:00 45 69 0.65
2019-10-23 02:00 43 69 0.62
If time and numerical values are described in statistical information in this way, they will not deviate.
Please check the statistics.
Thank you so much @to4kawa
you saved my day
your welcome, Happy Splunking.
No problem!
did you already tried something like this?
(index = "A") OR (index = "B" earliest="d" latest="@now")
| timechart dc(x) as total dc(y) as active
| eval ratio = active/total
Actually one of them is inputlookup and other is an index.
Hi cbhattad,
theoretically it's the same thing, put the index in the main search and then add the lookup
index = "B" earliest="d" latest="@now"
| append [ | inputlookup your_lookup.csv | fields y _time ]
| timechart dc(x) as total dc(y) as active
| eval ratio = active/total
But you can use timechart only if you have _time field also in lookup.
Could you share more information about your use case?
Oh, now I get it.
inputlookup just stores the total count and does not have a time column.
It's like a static value.
Hi cbhattad,
why you need the lookup values?, you could calculate totals in the same search.
Hi @gcusello
The other index only stores the realtime activity, not the totals.
The lookup is updated by a different process which maintains the totals in lookup.
Hi cbhattad,
try to use appendpipe command:
index = "B" earliest="d" latest="@now"
| timechart dc(y) as active
| appendpipe [ | inputlookup your_lookup | fields total]
| stats values(active) As active values(total) AS total BY _time
| eval ratio = active/total
index = "A" | timechart dc(user_id) as active | appendpipe [ | inputlookup users.csv | fields user_id | stats dc(user_id) as total ] | stats values(active) As active values(total) AS total BY _time | eval ratio = active/total
Tried the above, in this "total" column is always empty