What would be the best way to run a week to date search (timechart/bin) that "flattens" the individual days so I can get an average count per minute for the week? I don't care so much about the count per minute per day, but the average count each minute taking the entire week into account.
For instance, if I want to take "timechart span=1m count" and run that week to date, but ignore the dates and only focus on times. The idea would be the have the avg(count) at 8:00, 8:01, 8:02 etc and compare that to the "current" count today.
Ideally I'm looking to run a search for Today, timechart span=1m count - and add avg(count) per minute for the prior week to give an idea for how today compares to historical data.
Assuming that you can be relatively certain that count is at least 1 for every minute of the day...
your base search
| eval Day=strftime(_time,"%Y-%m-%d")
| eval Minute=strftime(_time,"%H:%M:%S")
| stats count as minutecount by Minute Day
| eventstats max(Day) as Today
| eval Today=if(Day=Today,minutecount,null())
| eval Week=if(Day=Today,null(),minutecount)
| stats avg(*) as * by Minute
Assuming that you CANNOT be relatively certain that count is at least 1 for every minute of the day, here's one way to fill in the missing zeroes...
your base search
| eval Day=strftime(_time,"%Y-%m-%d")
| eval Minute=strftime(_time,"%H:%M:%S")
| stats count as minutecount by Minute Day
| append
[| makeresults
| eval Time=mvrange(relative_time(now(),"-6d@d"),relative_time(now(),"@d"),60)
| mvexpand Time
| eval Day=strftime(Time,"%Y-%m-%d")
| eval Minute=strftime(Time,"%H:%M:%S")
| table Day Minute
| eval minutecount=0
| stats sum(minutecount) as minutecount by Minute Day
| eventstats max(Day) as Today
| eval Today=if(Day=Today,minutecount,null())
| eval Week=if(Day=Today,null(),minutecount)
| stats avg(*) as * by Minute