Splunk Search

Time modifiers in a subsearch


I have a subsearch that I only want to look for the last 15 minutes. All I find are examples of days. Can someone give me examples of minutes, as well as days, months, and so on (for future reference)? Please be sure to put some of it inline, in case the link goes dead (if you reference a URL).

0 Karma
1 Solution

some search [search some other search earliest=-15m]

m = minutes
h = hours
d = days
w = weeks
mon = months

View solution in original post


maybe something like this:
index=index1 ... [ search index=index2 earliest=-15m latest=now | dedup field_to_search | fields field_to_search ] ....

0 Karma


Thanks but you should really try to add some of the URL content in the body. Often, I find (other sites even more so) the link goes dead. Therefore, the answer is useless. I've found quite a few links so far on Answers that either gave me the equivalent to a 404 or just the main support page.

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

Fair enough but you did not give enough of your own context for us to give any kind of a specific answer. I verified the links before posting them.

0 Karma


twinspop did just fine.

Yes, but links go dead eventually. They're live now, but not a guarantee a year from now. Just take for example links from Microsoft. I can't tell you the number of those that went dead or redirected.

0 Karma


To be fair Splunk Docs links are very good - they only go 'dead' if a feature is deprecated from the 'latest' documentation branch.

It would be great if they would redirect deprecated features though!

0 Karma


Yes, they should never "delete" or remove docs. There should always be a reason given, and an alternative given (such as when a method is deprecated).

0 Karma

some search [search some other search earliest=-15m]

m = minutes
h = hours
d = days
w = weeks
mon = months

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