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This delim in my query is not working, how could I possibly solve this problem?


Hello everyone.

I'm fairly new to Splunk, I've recently joined a job as a security analist in a SOC where I get to use this cool tool. This question is kind of a continuation to my previos post:


I had to make a query to do two things:

  • First, look for any potential policy with any ports enabled.
  • Second, find out which of these policies were allowing or teardowning request coming from public IP addresses.

For this I came up with this query which does the work imo:


index="sourcedb" sourcetype=fgt_traffic host="external_firewall_ip" action!=blocked 
| eventstats dc(dstport) as different_ports by policyid 
| where different_ports>=5 
| eval source_ip=if(cidrmatch("", src) OR cidrmatch("", src) OR cidrmatch("", src),"private","public") 
| where source_ip="public" 
| eval policy=if(isnull(policyname),policyid,policyid+" - "+policyname) 
| eval port_list=if(proto=6,"tcp",if(proto=17,"udp","proto"+proto))+"/"+dstport | dedup port_list 
| table source policy different_ports port_list 
| mvcombine delim=", " port_list


However, the problem I'm having is that the port list is being shown like if it was one big list, like this:






I'd like for it to show like this:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

I've also tried replacing the table command with a stats delim=", " value(port_list) but I've had no success.

I'd appreciate if you could give me some insight on how could I solve this, I had in mind trying mvjoin but had no clue on how to approach it.

Thanks in advance.

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Hi @Berfomet96 

just try the nomv command after your delim command it should work it will convert the values of the specified multivalue field into one single value

|mvcombine delim="," port_list |nomv portlist


|makeresults |eval port_list="1"
|append [|makeresults |eval port_list="2"]
|append [|makeresults |eval port_list="3"] |fields - _time | mvcombine delim="," port_list
| nomv port_list


Nots: if it helps karma is appreciated/if it resolves acceptance of solution is appreciated

View solution in original post


Hi @Berfomet96 

just try the nomv command after your delim command it should work it will convert the values of the specified multivalue field into one single value

|mvcombine delim="," port_list |nomv portlist


|makeresults |eval port_list="1"
|append [|makeresults |eval port_list="2"]
|append [|makeresults |eval port_list="3"] |fields - _time | mvcombine delim="," port_list
| nomv port_list


Nots: if it helps karma is appreciated/if it resolves acceptance of solution is appreciated

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