how to get sum of below in single query
sum(val_2) by application
sum(val_2) by val_1
Query Result(single query)
column1 column2
ABC 1478
FSD 4839
A 5849
B 478
column1 column2 column3 column4
ABC 1478 A 5849
FSD 4839 B 478
or what ever possible in single query
Please help
Hi @rajg369,
you have many ways to reach your target, try e.g. this:
| stats sum(val_2) as column1 by application
| append [ search
| stats sum(val_2) As column1 by val_1
| rename val_1 AS column2
| sort column1
Thanks for you reply. I have to pass e.g e_batch_id of a subquery to all the append query how to do?
right now the first stats get the correct batchid from subquery and produces correct sum, the append query does not and picks random batchid and the sum is not correct. all append query should run for same batchid from the subquery. Please help
index=primary source="x.log.*" e_host_env="UAT"
[ search index=primary source="x.log.*" e_host_env="UAT"
| stats sum(e_total_time) as TotalTime by e_batch_id
| sort TotalTime desc
| head 1
| table e_batch_id]
| stats sum(e_Val_count) as ValCount, sum(e_total_time) as ValTime by e_batch_id,e_current_batch_num
| append
[ search
index=primary source="x.log.*" e_host_env="UAT"
| stats sum(e_total_time) as StreamTime by e_batch_id, e_stream
| makeresults
| eval _raw="application,val_1,val_2
| multikv forceheader=1
| table application val_1 val_2
| eventstats sum(val_2) as sum_1 by val_1
| eventstats sum(val_2) as sum_application by application
| eval name_value=application."|".sum_application
| eval name_value=mvappend(name_value,val_1."|".sum_1)
| stats count by name_value
| eval column_1=mvindex(split(name_value,"|"),0)
| eval column_2=mvindex(split(name_value,"|"),1)
| table column_*