I'm trying to plot the following as a scatter chart:
Problem 1 - you cannot have non-numeric x and y axis. Time does not appear to be numeric. So how do I convert my namespace to a number? I think it should be 0..N based on it's index is the values that namespace can be.
Problem 2 - how to colour points?
This is how far I have gotten so far:
index=foo sourcetype=eventrouter host="event-router-*" source="foo/*" event.involvedObject.kind=Workflow (event.reason=WorkflowSucceeded OR event.reason=WorkflowFailed) | convert num(_time) as x | table event.metadata.namespace x event.reason
Hi @Anonymous ,
To map the namespace to a number you can use an eval case like:
| eval NameIndex=case(NameSpace=="default",0, NameSpace=="argo",1, NameSpace=="kube-system",2, NameSpace=="AWS",3)
The scatterplot colouring I'm not so sure, most of the charts have colour values in the XML, but I've not played with scatterplots.
Kind Regards,