I have a few fields and I am trying to get results on e.g. Field1 (Person) Field2(Sales) Field3 (Location).
what I am trying to do is somehow Sum(Sales) as Sales by Person (easy part), however I need to separate the location where sales came from e.g. Vic and Other State and table the total result for each location per person.
Person Vic Other
Bob $XX $XX
Mary $xx $XX
Phil $XX $XX
Thoughts? and thank you in advance
Hi @davidoking,
This may happen is Location for Victoria is not exactly "Vic", if it is "Victoria" you should update if statement accordingly.
Hi @davidoking,
You can use chart command like below to limit results for only one location;
| chart sum(Sales) as Sales over Person by Location limit=1 usenull=f
If you want to Vic and others, you can use below;
| eval Location=if(Location!="Vic","Other",Location)
| chart sum(Sales) as Sales over Person by Location usenull=f
Thanks again,
almost I almost got it, for some reason it only has Person and Other as columns, results from Vic are not showing, I used the second option.
Just to confirm "Other" is just any sales that's not from Victoria. so I need to display Vic Sales Vs Sales from everywhere else from each Person.
Thanks, I will give that a try. Appreciate the response
Side note, I was hope it was as simple as If Location (Vic) then Sum(sales) else ... however I don't believe splunk handles IF THEN ELSE statements.