Splunk Search

Substituting key values on raw text


Let's say I have a CSV input with the following columns:  _raw,user,src_ip

The _raw event is:  "Accepted public key for user $user$ from $src_ip$"

Is there a way to replace $user$ and $src_ip$ in _raw with the values of the corresponding fields?

I tried using "foreach" and "rex" in sedcmd mode, but it doesn't look like rex understands <<FIELD>> and '<<FIELD>>'.  

Is there another way to do this?

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Assuming you're running this during search time.


Quick and dirty:


| eval _raw="Accepted public key for user ".user." from ".src_ip





| foreach user src_ip [eval _raw=replace(_raw, "\$<<FIELD>>\$", '<<FIELD>>')]



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