I have a use case to get the index name from the field of one of the index/sourcetype and use that index name value to search the content of that index, but not getting any result. Here is what I did:
index =meta_info sourcetype=meta:info| search group_name=admingr AND spIndex_name=admin_audit
| eval getIndex=spIndex_name
| search index=getIndex
Any help will be highly appreciated, thank you!
The you should use the index with list of indexes to search as the subsearch, i.e. put your meta search in the subsearch and it will return the index you want.
| search index=meta_info sourcetype=meta:info
| search group_name=admingr AND spIndex_name=admin_audit
| rename spIndex_name as index
| fields index
In the form above, it's totally hard coded, but I assume the spIndex_name= statement is variable.
Your search is a little odd - it seems you just want to search index=admin_audit - so what's the purpose of the index=meta_info part
what's wrong with just
We have an index that contains the list of index names; so, one search is going to get the index name from that index; other search is going to search the events (or get the events) within that index. A very interesting use case. But customer wants it.
The you should use the index with list of indexes to search as the subsearch, i.e. put your meta search in the subsearch and it will return the index you want.
| search index=meta_info sourcetype=meta:info
| search group_name=admingr AND spIndex_name=admin_audit
| rename spIndex_name as index
| fields index
In the form above, it's totally hard coded, but I assume the spIndex_name= statement is variable.
The search command doesn't handle field names on both sides of the equals sign. Use where, instead.
index =meta_info sourcetype=meta:info| search group_name=admingr AND spIndex_name=admin_audit
| eval getIndex=spIndex_name
| where index=getIndex
Hey @richgalloway
Thank you for your quick response. But it's not working, not getting any result. Just to let you know spIndex_name is the name of the index and also eval value getIndex is not returning the index name admin_audit.
Hello @richgalloway
getIndex should should return value admin_audit from the eval; search at the end should return the content/events of the index admin_audit