[subsearch]: Subsearch produced 50000 results, truncating to maxout 50000.
How to fix this??please help
Thanks in advance.
So an inner join only matches if supplierid is present in both searches, and contractId from the subsearch will overwrite the result from the main search.
Try something like this :
(sourcetype="csv-37" NOT "suplierID" NOT "----*") OR ( sourcetype="csv-31" )
| stats dc(sourcetype) as types by suplierID,contractID | where types > 1
| table suplierID,contractID
sourcetype="csv-37" NOT "suplierID" NOT "----*"| table suplierID,contractID | join suplierID[search sourcetype="csv-31" | fields suplierID,contractID] | table suplierID,contractID
That error should probably read "You're doing it wrong". Post your search. I've never encountered a real world problem where a subsearch is required.