Splunk Search

Strange search results

Path Finder


I am currently indexing bash history files. The user and other information are encapsulated in the file name when all the history files are collected.

e.g. /install/.log/20100910124129-server1.user1.user4.desktop1.domain.tld.log

I use the following EXTRACT in the props.conf:

EXTRACT-userinfo=/install/\.log/(?<LOGOUT>\d{14})-(?<CMDHOST>[^\.]+)\.(?<USER>[^\.]+)\.(?<EUSER>[^\.]+)\.(?<FORMHOST>\.+)\.log in source

On viewing the results form the search:


Shows all the fields in the field picker with the correct counts. When clicking on one of the fields the search changes to:

Index=myindex CMDHOST =”host1”

Shows “No matching events found”

Index=myindex CMDHOST =”*host1”

List all the events for the CMDHOST

index="myindex" | fields _raw, CMDHOST | search CMDHOST ="host1"

again lists all the events for the specific CMDHOST.

Any ideas?

BTW tested on Splunk 4.1.2 and 4.1.5 on MacOSX, Windows and FreeBSD.

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1 Solution


This is because Splunk expects the field value of the CMDHOST field to be part of the raw event (ie. the _raw field). You have two options to make the field-search work:

  • Mark the fields with INDEXED_VALUE=false in fields.conf


  • Make the fields derived from the source field indexed

See this on how to configure index-time field extractions: http://www.splunk.com/base/Documentation/latest/Admin/Configureindex-timefieldextraction

View solution in original post


This is because Splunk expects the field value of the CMDHOST field to be part of the raw event (ie. the _raw field). You have two options to make the field-search work:

  • Mark the fields with INDEXED_VALUE=false in fields.conf


  • Make the fields derived from the source field indexed

See this on how to configure index-time field extractions: http://www.splunk.com/base/Documentation/latest/Admin/Configureindex-timefieldextraction

Path Finder

Thank you. This worked.

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

I have not tested this yet myself, but upon first review of your description above, the fact that there is a dash char just before the host name makes me think it has something to do with that.

I would try escaping out that dash in your regex and see if it makes a difference.


OR try this version of the regex that uses \S+ for the value extraction, since there are no spaces in the event.


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