I am trying to create a table by counting rows, then doing a stats command on the results to determine the Avg, Max, and Min of those counts. I also want to pull 3 other values forward from the 1st stats command, that I want to remain untouched through the 2nd Stats command.
Original data:
Date Time | Filename | Transaction Count | Type 4/13/19 | abcde | 5 | T1 4/13/19 | efghi | 10 | T2 4/14/19 | jklmn | 17 | T1 4/14/19 | opqrs | 2 | T2 4/15/19 | tuvwx | 20 | T2
My query:
| bucket _time span=1d
| stats count
avg(TRANS_COUNT) as AverageTransCount
max(TRANS_COUNT) as MaxTransCount
min(TRANS_COUNT) as MinTransCount by _time TYPE
| table SERVICE_TYPE count AverageTransCount MaxTransCount MinTransCount
| stats avg(count) as AverageFileCount
max(count) as MaxFileCount
min(count) as MinFileCount by TYPE
| table TYPE AverageFileCount MaxFileCount MinFileCount AverageTransCount MaxTransCount MinTransCount
When I run the two stats commands separately, they work, but I can't figure out how to pull " AverageTransCount MaxTransCount MinTransCount" forward to the final results.
I'd like my results to look like so:
| SERVICE_TYPE | AverageFileCount | MaxFileCount | MinFileCount | AverageTransCount | MaxTransCount | MinTransCount |
All help is much appreciated!
Try with eventstats
@vnravikumar , thanks for the response. I tried eventstats, and that does pull the data forward, but it also duplicates Type, rather than having 1 result per type.