Hello everyone!
I want to combine two searches or find another solution. 🙂
Here my problem:
I need a timechart where i can show the occurences of some ID´s (example for an ID: 345FsdEE344FED- 354235werfDF2) and put an average line over it.
Graph Idea:
Orange: Timechart with a distinct count for the ID´s
Green: Stats with average for the count of the ID´s
| bin span=1m _time
| stats dc(TEST_ID) as count_of_testid by _time
For the timeframe i want to be flexibel but for the span 15 minutes are ok.
Thank you all a lot and have a nice day.
| bin span=1m _time
| stats dc(TEST_ID) as count_of_testid by _time
| eventstats avg(count_of_testid) as average_dc
| bin span=1m _time
| stats dc(TEST_ID) as count_of_testid by _time
| eventstats avg(count_of_testid) as average_dc
This works!
Thank you very much.
and thank you too. @gcusello
Have a nice day.
Hi @klischatb,
you can use the join command as used in the License Consuption report, or append, like the following example that I tried on my environemtn and runs:
| bin span=10m _time
| stats max(linecount) AS linecount BY _time
| append [ search
| bin span=10m _time
| stats avg(linecount) AS average BY _time
| stats values(linecount) AS linecount values(average) AS average BY _time
Unfortunately, this does not work, but thank you very much for this information.
The IDs are not numeric fields, so the max command will not work.
I had thought about eventstats, but I couldn't find a solution with testing.
Hi @klischatb,
you could try to make the avg of dc(TEST_ID), something like this:
| bin span=1m _time
| stats dc(TEST_ID) as count_of_testid BY _time
| append [ search
| bin span=1m _time
| stats avg(dc(TEST_ID)) as avg_of_dc_testid BY _time
| stats values(count_of_testid) AS count_of_testid values(avg_of_dc_testid) AS avg_of_dc_testid BY _time
I tried to adapt this solutions but for my ID´s i didnt found the right way to do it.