Splunk Search

Splunk search query: monitoring between specified log lines and getting count

Loves-to-Learn Everything

Hi all!

I would like to create a no_msg_wait_time column here.

This is my existing splunk search query:


index=index source="D:\\Temp\\logs\\Logpath\\examplelog.log"
| rex field=_raw "^(?<date>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\s+(?<timestamp>\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2},\d{3})"
| rex field=_raw "Done Bulk saving messages, Count=(?<count>\d+), used (?<db_bulk_write_time>\d+) ms"
| where isnotnull(count)
| eval event_time=strptime(date . " " . timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%3N")
| sort 0 event_time
| streamstats current=f last(event_time) as prev_event_time
| eval processing_time=if(isnull(prev_event_time), 0, event_time - prev_event_time)
| fields date, timestamp, processing_time, count, db_bulk_write_time
| eval processing_time = processing_time * 1000
| table date, timestamp, processing_time, count, db_bulk_write_time, _raw


This is an example of the log lines 


I would like to create a no_msg_wait_time column with the following results:
It would count how many No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=*), retry in 1000 ms there are between each "Done bulk saving messages"  So if there are like 4 in between then no_msg_wait_time will be 4000ms, if there are none or zero of those in between than no_msg_wait_time will be 0ms.

So using my current example here:
2024-08-07 21:13:07,710 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:07,710 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=4), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:08,742 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:08,742 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=5), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:09,757 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:09,757 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=6), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:10,773 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:10,773 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=7), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:11,007 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Message Read from Queue, Message Length:4504
2024-08-07 21:13:11,132 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=1), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:11,257 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=2), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:11,382 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=3), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:11,507 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=4), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:11,632 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=5), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:11,757 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=6), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:11,882 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=7), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:11,882 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 1
2024-08-07 21:13:11,882 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Processing messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:11,882 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Done Processing messages, Count=1, IsBufferedEvent=True
2024-08-07 21:13:11,882 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Bulk saving messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:12,007 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 113 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:12,007 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=8), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:12,054 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Saved messages to DB, Q Manager to Commit (Remove messages from Queue)
2024-08-07 21:13:12,132 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=9), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:12,179 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Clear Write Buffer
2024-08-07 21:13:12,257 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:12,398 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:12,528 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:12,778 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Message Read from Queue, Message Length:4668
2024-08-07 21:13:12,809 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 1
2024-08-07 21:13:12,809 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Processing messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:12,809 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Done Processing messages, Count=1, IsBufferedEvent=True
2024-08-07 21:13:12,809 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Bulk saving messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:12,825 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 24 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:12,841 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Saved messages to DB, Q Manager to Commit (Remove messages from Queue)
2024-08-07 21:13:12,934 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=1), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:12,966 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Clear Write Buffer
2024-08-07 21:13:13,059 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=2), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:13,059 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:13,184 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=3), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:13,200 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:13,325 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=4), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:13,341 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:13,466 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=5), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:13,466 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:13,466 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=4), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:13,591 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=6), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:13,716 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=7), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:13,841 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=8), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:13,966 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=9), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:14,481 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:14,481 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=5), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:15,497 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:15,497 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=6), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:15,731 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Message Read from Queue, Message Length:7648
2024-08-07 21:13:15,856 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=1), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:15,981 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=2), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,106 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=3), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,231 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=4), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,356 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=5), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,481 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=6), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,606 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=7), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,606 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 1
2024-08-07 21:13:16,606 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Processing messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:16,606 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Done Processing messages, Count=1, IsBufferedEvent=True
2024-08-07 21:13:16,606 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Bulk saving messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:16,622 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 11 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:16,637 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Saved messages to DB, Q Manager to Commit (Remove messages from Queue)
2024-08-07 21:13:16,731 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=8), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,762 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Clear Write Buffer
2024-08-07 21:13:16,856 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=9), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,856 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:16,997 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:17,137 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:17,278 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:17,278 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=4), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:18,294 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:18,294 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=5), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:19,309 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:19,309 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=6), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:19,544 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Message Read from Queue, Message Length:13568
2024-08-07 21:13:19,669 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=1), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:19,794 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=2), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:19,919 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=3), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:20,044 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=4), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:20,169 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=5), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:20,294 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=6), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:20,419 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=7), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:20,419 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 1
2024-08-07 21:13:20,419 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Processing messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:20,419 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Done Processing messages, Count=1, IsBufferedEvent=True
2024-08-07 21:13:20,419 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Bulk saving messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:20,434 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 12 ms

And my current results are as follow (i manually added expected no_msg_wait_time)

2024-08-0721:13:07,0700.00 ms113.00 msthis one should be zero as i dont have one log line before to calculate (assume this is the start of log line)2024-08-07 21:13:07,070 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 13 ms
 21:13:12,0074,937.00 ms1113.00 ms4000ms (as there are 4 no message to handle, ... 1000ms)2024-08-07 21:13:12,007 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 113 ms
 21:13:12,825818.00 ms124.00 ms3000ms2024-08-07 21:13:12,825 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 24 ms
 21:13:16,6223,797.00 ms111.00 ms10,000ms2024-08-07 21:13:16,622 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 11 ms
 21:13:20,4343,812.00 ms112.00 msand so on so forth

2024-08-07 21:13:20,434 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 12 ms

Labels (7)
0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Everything

I get and my first row count is empty 😞 _raw is weird too

_time processing_time Count db_bulk_write_time no_msg_wait_time _raw

2024-08-12 10:55:41.2001.226  1000.
2024-08-12 10:55:40.8720.3121 0s
2024-08-12 10:55:37.1223.751 3000s
2024-08-12 10:55:36.8090.3131 0s
2024-08-12 10:55:33.1063.6881 3000s
2024-08-12 10:55:32.7780.3131 0s
2024-08-12 10:55:29.0283.751 3000s
2024-08-12 10:55:28.7000.3281 0s
2024-08-12 10:55:24.9503.751 3000s
2024-08-12 10:55:24.6220.3121 0s
2024-08-12 10:55:21.8882.7341 2000s
2024-08-12 10:55:20.1221.7661 1000s
0 Karma


The first row can easily be excluded because there is no Count.  But the weird _raw signifies some unusual characteristics.  Failure to extract db_bulk_write_time suggests the same.  You need to post more realistic/representative data.

0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Everything

Hi @yuanliu , really appreciate your help and patience here.

My requirements had changed and this is my current search query

index=abc sourcetype = example_sourcetype
| transaction startswith="Saved messages to DB" endswith="Done bulk saving messages" keepevicted=t
| eval no_msg_wait_time = mvcount(noMessageHandleCounter) * 1000
| fillnull no_msg_wait_time
| rename duration as processing_time
| eval _raw = mvindex(split(_raw, "
"), -1)
| rex "Done Bulk saving .+ used (?<db_bulk_write_time>\w+)"
| eval processing_time = processing_time * 1000
| eval mq_read_time = processing_time - db_bulk_write_time - no_msg_wait_time
| where db_bulk_write_time > 0
| rename processing_time as "processing_time(ms)", db_bulk_write_time as "db_bulk_write_time(ms)", no_msg_wait_time as "no_msg_wait_time(ms)", mq_read_time as "mq_read_time(ms)"
| table _time, processing_time(ms), db_bulk_write_time(ms), no_msg_wait_time(ms), mq_read_time(ms), Count, _raw

So now for processing_time(ms) column the calculation instead is starting from the 2 previous occurences of All Read threads finished flush the messages to Done bulk saving messages

So in the example below:
2024-08-12 10:02:20,542 will have a processing_time from 10:02:19,417 to 10:02:20,542.

2024-08-12 10:02:19,417 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0

2024-08-12 10:02:20,526 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 1
2024-08-12 10:02:20,542 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 6 ms

How can I also create a time series graph on same graph where x axis is time and then y axis is a bar chart of count column + line chart of new processing_time(ms)

0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Everything

Thanks @yuanliu , let me organise my thoughts and query abit after the long weekend. cheers and appreciate the prompt reply and help ! 🙂

0 Karma


Maybe transaction?  Something like


index=index source="D:\\Temp\\logs\\Logpath\\examplelog.log"
| transaction startswith="Saved messages to DB" endswith="Done bulk saving messages" keepevicted=t
| eval no_msg_wait_time = mvcount(noMessageHandleCounter) * 1000
| fillnull no_msg_wait_time
| rename duration as processing_time
| eval _raw = mvindex(split(_raw, "
"), -1)
| rex "Done Bulk saving .+ used (?<db_bulk_write_time>\w+)"
| table _time	processing_time	Count	db_bulk_write_time	no_msg_wait_time	_raw


Your sample event will give

2024-08-07 21:13:16.6373.79711230002024-08-07 21:13:20,434 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 12 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:12.8413.78111130002024-08-07 21:13:16,622 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 11 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:12.0540.77112402024-08-07 21:13:12,825 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 24 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:07.7104.297111340002024-08-07 21:13:12,007 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 113 ms

I didn't break _time into separate fields but that can easily be done.

Here is an emulation for you to play with and compare with real data.


| makeresults
| eval data = split("2024-08-07 21:13:07,710 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:07,710 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=4), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:08,742 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:08,742 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=5), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:09,757 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:09,757 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=6), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:10,773 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:10,773 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=7), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:11,007 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Message Read from Queue, Message Length:4504
2024-08-07 21:13:11,132 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=1), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:11,257 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=2), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:11,382 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=3), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:11,507 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=4), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:11,632 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=5), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:11,757 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=6), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:11,882 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=7), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:11,882 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 1
2024-08-07 21:13:11,882 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Processing messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:11,882 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Done Processing messages, Count=1, IsBufferedEvent=True
2024-08-07 21:13:11,882 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Bulk saving messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:12,007 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 113 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:12,007 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=8), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:12,054 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Saved messages to DB, Q Manager to Commit (Remove messages from Queue)
2024-08-07 21:13:12,132 [15] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=9), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:12,179 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Clear Write Buffer
2024-08-07 21:13:12,257 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:12,398 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:12,528 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:12,778 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Message Read from Queue, Message Length:4668
2024-08-07 21:13:12,809 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 1
2024-08-07 21:13:12,809 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Processing messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:12,809 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Done Processing messages, Count=1, IsBufferedEvent=True
2024-08-07 21:13:12,809 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Bulk saving messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:12,825 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 24 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:12,841 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Saved messages to DB, Q Manager to Commit (Remove messages from Queue)
2024-08-07 21:13:12,934 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=1), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:12,966 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Clear Write Buffer
2024-08-07 21:13:13,059 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=2), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:13,059 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:13,184 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=3), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:13,200 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:13,325 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=4), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:13,341 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:13,466 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=5), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:13,466 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:13,466 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=4), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:13,591 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=6), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:13,716 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=7), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:13,841 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=8), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:13,966 [33] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=9), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:14,481 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:14,481 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=5), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:15,497 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:15,497 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=6), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:15,731 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Message Read from Queue, Message Length:7648
2024-08-07 21:13:15,856 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=1), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:15,981 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=2), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,106 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=3), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,231 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=4), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,356 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=5), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,481 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=6), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,606 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=7), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,606 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 1
2024-08-07 21:13:16,606 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Processing messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:16,606 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Done Processing messages, Count=1, IsBufferedEvent=True
2024-08-07 21:13:16,606 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Bulk saving messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:16,622 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 11 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:16,637 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Saved messages to DB, Q Manager to Commit (Remove messages from Queue)
2024-08-07 21:13:16,731 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=8), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,762 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Clear Write Buffer
2024-08-07 21:13:16,856 [20] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=9), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:16,856 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:16,997 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:17,137 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:17,278 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:17,278 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=4), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:18,294 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:18,294 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=5), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:19,309 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 0
2024-08-07 21:13:19,309 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No message to handle (noMessageHandleCounter=6), retry in 1000 ms
2024-08-07 21:13:19,544 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Message Read from Queue, Message Length:13568
2024-08-07 21:13:19,669 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=1), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:19,794 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=2), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:19,919 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=3), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:20,044 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=4), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:20,169 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=5), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:20,294 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=6), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:20,419 [28] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - No msg in the queue (NoMessageCounter=7), retry in 10 ms.
2024-08-07 21:13:20,419 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - All Read threads finished flush the messages, total messages: 1
2024-08-07 21:13:20,419 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Processing messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:20,419 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.WMQClient [(null)] - Done Processing messages, Count=1, IsBufferedEvent=True
2024-08-07 21:13:20,419 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Bulk saving messages, Count=1
2024-08-07 21:13:20,434 [39] INFO DistributorCommon.DBHandlerBase [(null)] - Done Bulk saving messages, Count=1, used 12 ms", "
| mvexpand data
| rename data as _raw
| extract
| eval _time = strptime(replace(_raw, "^(?<_time>\S+ \S+).+", "\1"), "%F %T,%3N")
| sort - _time
``` the above emulates
index=index source="D:\\Temp\\logs\\Logpath\\examplelog.log"


0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Everything

Hi @yuanliu , may I know what does keepevicted=t do and what happens if we dont use it?

0 Karma


See transaction.  Because the sample dataset is small, and they do not start at the top of a cycle, I wanted to show results from incomplete transactions.  You need to analyze real data to see which options are right for your use case.

0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Everything

Thanks @yuanliu ! I willl try this promptly tomorrow and let you know of the results - will accept as solution if it works:)

0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Everything

also in this case

2024-08-12 10:53:53.4552.753 2000s
2024-08-12 10:53:56.2052.765

the 2nd row should be 2.75 instead

0 Karma
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