Splunk Search

Splunk relative time

Path Finder

Today is 10/2/2020. I need to execute 6 searches using relative time for last month (earliest= & latest=) that are each 5 days in length.


9/01/2020:00:00:00 - 9/05/2020:23:59:59

9/06/2020:00:00:00 - 9/10/2020:23:59:59

9/11/2020:00:00:00 - 9/15/2020:23:59:59

9/16/2020:00:00:00 - 9/20/2020:23:59:59

9/21/2020:00:00:00 - 9/25/2020:23:59:59

9/26/2020:00:00:00 - 9/30/2020:23:59:59

I'd love to use these exact times as earliest/latest, or even epoch times, but that won't work in my particular situation. 

How can I represent the 6 spans above in relative time?





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1 Solution


now=10/3/20 11:08:48.000 PM

Hi @Nisha18789 .. the idea was good.. but it may give some issues:
index=ioc earliest=-30d@d latest=-25d@d
(you can open the inspect job and see the exact timeframe which was applied for your search)

9/3/20 12:00:00.000 AM - 9/8/20 12:00:00.000 AM


Hi @jdmclemore ... Please try these methods: 

index=ioc earliest=-1mon@mon latest=-1mon@+2d@d
(you can open the inspect job and see the exact timeframe which was applied for your search)

9/1/20 12:00:00.000 AM - 9/5/20 12:00:00.000 AM

 index=ioc earliest=-1mon@+2d@d latest=-1mon@+7d@d

9/5/20 12:00:00.000 AM - 9/10/20 12:00:00.000 AM


View solution in original post


now=10/3/20 11:08:48.000 PM

Hi @Nisha18789 .. the idea was good.. but it may give some issues:
index=ioc earliest=-30d@d latest=-25d@d
(you can open the inspect job and see the exact timeframe which was applied for your search)

9/3/20 12:00:00.000 AM - 9/8/20 12:00:00.000 AM


Hi @jdmclemore ... Please try these methods: 

index=ioc earliest=-1mon@mon latest=-1mon@+2d@d
(you can open the inspect job and see the exact timeframe which was applied for your search)

9/1/20 12:00:00.000 AM - 9/5/20 12:00:00.000 AM

 index=ioc earliest=-1mon@+2d@d latest=-1mon@+7d@d

9/5/20 12:00:00.000 AM - 9/10/20 12:00:00.000 AM


Path Finder

That's what I was looking for - thank you!

0 Karma


Hi @jdmclemore .. 

As @gcusello suggested, for earliest and latest times, we can simply use the exact times as well.

(Use the earliest and latest modifiers to specify custom and relative time ranges. You can specify an exact time such as earliest="10/5/2016:20:00:00", or a relative time such as earliest=-h or latest=@w6.)

or, to convert your required times to epoch, pls use this strptime command:


| makeresults 
| eval time1="9/01/2020:00:00:00" 
| eval time2="9/05/2020:23:59:59"
| eval epoch1=strptime(time1,"%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S") 
| eval epoch2=strptime(time2,"%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S") 
| table time1 time2 epoch1 epoch2


Please check it:



(PS - i have given around 500+ karma points so far, received badge for that, if an answer helped you, a karma point would be nice!. we all should start "Learn, Give Back, Have Fun")

0 Karma


Hi @jdmclemore,

let me understand: you want to count events in the period from 9/01/2020:00:00:00 to 9/30/2020:23:59:59 wiyj a span of 5 days, is it correct?

if this is your need, please, try something like this:

your search earliest="9/01/2020:00:00:00" latest="9/30/2020:23:59:59"
| timechart span=5d count



Path Finder

Hi - thanks for the reply.


No, not counting events, just doing regular searches. But I'm wondering how you would represent each of those time spans with relative time notation instead of using the actual time. I know, it's a strange request...but can it be done?



hi @jdmclemore , you can use below notation for relative times

earliest=-30d@d latest=-25d@d 



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