I am using Python SDK to run Splunk queries at 10 minute interval to collect data for my application. I have nearly 300 queries that I need to run every 10 mins. I have 4 FID to run these 300 queries, so roughly 75 queries for one FID. And I am using ProcessPoolExecutor in Python to only execute 20 at a time so there is no concurrent limit reached issue.
What I am observing is I get the results sometimes and sometimes I get no data from Splunk but the connection to Splunk was successful and the query gets completed with no errors. Am I reaching any limits here?
"earliest_time": "-10m",
"latest_time": "now"
oneshotsearch_results = splunkService.jobs.oneshot(query, **splunkParams)
reader = results.ResultsReader(oneshotsearch_results)