Hello , I have a transaction which is coming as multievent. i can use the "| transaction" command to club as one event.
1) I want the transaction ID extracted based on the below-highlighted ( Green)
2) Now, I want to get the transaction time based on the below-highlighted (Yellow)
Below is the raw event log.
Thanks In advance!
The transaction command provides a duration field for the difference in times. Is this not sufficient for your needs?
Which (if any) fields do you already have extracted?
Are the transaction ids unique i.e will there be only one "Starting ..." message and one "Successfully completed" message per transaction id?
Please can you share text versions of your events rather than pictures as they are easier to deal with when simulating a solution.
Hi @ITWhisperer Thanks for your response. I had not extracted any yet cause the logs are not yet in splunk but will be soon Yes, the transaction ID are unique. The below is what i got from cloud watch.
2024-08-12T10:04:16.962-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) Extended Request Id: cmtf1111111111111111=
2024-08-12T10:04:16.963-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) Verifying Usage Plan for request: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
2024-08-12T10:04:16.964-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
2024-08-12T10:04:16.964-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) AAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
2024-08-12T10:04:16.964-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) Starting execution for request: 8hhhhh-cdcd-434444-8bbb-dedr44444
2024-08-16T10:04:16.964-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) HTTP Method: POST, Resource Path: /ddd/Verifyffghhjj/ddddddd
2024-08-16T10:04:25.969-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) Successfully completed execution
2024-08-16T10:04:25.969-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) Method completed with status: 200
2024-08-16T10:04:25.969-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) AAAAAA Integration Endpoint RequestId: 11111111111111111111
Do you mean something like this:
| rex "^\S+\s+\((?<transaction_id>[^\)]+)"
| transaction transaction_id startswith="Starting execution for request" endswith="Successfully completed execution"
Here is an emulation of your mock sample data you can play with and compare with real data
| makeresults format=csv data="_raw
2024-08-12T10:04:16.962-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) Extended Request Id: cmtf1111111111111111=
2024-08-12T10:04:16.963-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) Verifying Usage Plan for request: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
2024-08-12T10:04:16.964-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
2024-08-12T10:04:16.964-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) AAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
2024-08-12T10:04:16.964-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) Starting execution for request: 8hhhhh-cdcd-434444-8bbb-dedr44444
2024-08-16T10:04:16.964-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) HTTP Method: POST, Resource Path: /ddd/Verifyffghhjj/ddddddd
2024-08-16T10:04:25.969-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) Successfully completed execution
2024-08-16T10:04:25.969-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) Method completed with status: 200
2024-08-16T10:04:25.969-04:00 (434-abc-345789-de456ght) AAAAAA Integration Endpoint RequestId: 11111111111111111111"
| rex "^(?<_time>\S+)"
| eval _time = strptime(_time, "%FT%T.%3N")
| sort - _time
``` data emulation above ```
Hi @yuanliu How do i get the difference of the time stamp? . I want the difference of starting timestamp and the completed time stamp
"My base query" | rex "status:\s+(?<Status>.*)\"}" | rex field=_raw "\((?<Message_Id>[^\)]*)" | rex "Path\:\s+(?<ResourcePath>.*)\"" | eval timestamp_s = timestamp/1000 | eval human_readable_time = strftime(timestamp_s, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") | transaction Message_Id startswith="Starting execution for request" endswith="Successfully completed execution"
8/19/24 9:56:05.113 AM |
{"id":"38448254623555555", "timestamp":1724079365113, "message":"(fghhhhhh-244933333-456789-rrrrrrrrrr) Startingexecutionforrequest:f34444-22222-44444-999999-0888888"} {"id":"38448254444444444", "timestamp":1724079365126, "message":"(fghhhhhh-244933333-456789-rrrrrrrrrr) Methodcompletedwithstatus:200"} {"id":"38448222222222222", "timestamp":1724079365126, "message":"(fghhhhhh-244933333-456789-rrrrrrrrrr) Successfullycompletedexecution"} {"id":"38417111111111111", "timestamp":1724079365126, "message":"(fghhhhhh-244933333-456789-rrrrrrrrrr) AWS Integration Endpoint RequestId :f32222-22222-44444-999999-0888888"}
The transaction command provides a duration field for the difference in times. Is this not sufficient for your needs?