I'm getting the above error message ( 'searchmanager' received some positional argument(s) after some keyword argument(s)
) with the JavaScript code containing this (I'm experimenting with real-time searches in Splunk Web now):
var SearchManager = require("splunkjs/mvc/searchmanager");
var mySearchManager = new SearchManager(
id: "test-rt-search",
search: "index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd | eval msg_len=if(isnull(message), 0, len(message)) | fields component,eventtype,host,msg_len",
preview: true,
cache: false,
"earliest_time": "rt-5m",
"latest_time": "rt"
I tried to shuffle the members to no avail. Is there any specification on which members should go first?
It's weird - I never managed to get JavaScript to work, even following the advice of @alacercogitatus and comparing my code with various examples (including those that worked for me in other templates in the same application!). So I switched to Django bindings like this:
{% block managers %}
{% searchmanager id="test-rt-search"
search="index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd | eval msg_len=if(isnull(message), 0, len(message)) | fields component,eventtype,host,msg_len"
{% endblock managers %}
and this (inside JavaScript):
var mySearchManager = mvc.Components.get("test-rt-search");
and it started working! I'm still not sure what I did wrong, though...
It's weird - I never managed to get JavaScript to work, even following the advice of @alacercogitatus and comparing my code with various examples (including those that worked for me in other templates in the same application!). So I switched to Django bindings like this:
{% block managers %}
{% searchmanager id="test-rt-search"
search="index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd | eval msg_len=if(isnull(message), 0, len(message)) | fields component,eventtype,host,msg_len"
{% endblock managers %}
and this (inside JavaScript):
var mySearchManager = mvc.Components.get("test-rt-search");
and it started working! I'm still not sure what I did wrong, though...
There is no order, but don't mix quoted and non-quoted options. Also, Make sure you are sending over an object.
So your code should be this:
var mySearchManager = new SearchManager( {
"id": "test-rt-search",
"search" : "index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd | eval msg_len=if(isnull(message), 0, len(message)) | fields component,eventtype,host,msg_len",
"preview": true,
"cache": false,
"earliest_time": "rt-5m",
"latest_time": "rt"
} );
The documentation for SearchManager can be found here: http://docs.splunk.com/DocumentationStatic/WebFramework/1.1/compref_searchmanager.html
Thanks for the answer. I fixed the code the way you suggested (adding curly braces around the members and putting quotes around the names) - unfortunately, it still fails with the same error. Anything in django_error.log
which could help me pinpoint the problem?
Wait - Are you using an HTML Dashboard, or the Django Web Framework?
Django Web Framework.
If you are using Splunk 6, you should start converting your Django dashboards into HTML/Simple XML. Django will be deprecated in the near future, so better to start now.
This is relevant: http://dev.splunk.com/view/SP-CAAAENJ
This javascript will work in an HTML Dashboard.